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Proxmox VE Installation on Hetzner Server via Rescue System

Follow these steps to install Proxmox VE on a Hetzner server via the Rescue System. The Rescue System is a Linux-based environment that can be booted into to perform system recovery tasks. We'll be using it to install Proxmox VE.

In order to complete the process, it is indeed necessary to first boot into the Rescue System and then connect to it via SSH. This will allow you to run the commands for installing Proxmox VE. Here are the steps:

Starting the Rescue System

  1. Log into the Hetzner Robot.
  2. Under "Main Functions; Server" select the desired server and then open the tab "Rescue".
tavinus /
Last active December 22, 2024 00:21
Remove PROXMOX 5.x / 6.x / 7.3-4 subscription message popup
# Edits the proxmox Subscription file to make it
# think that it has a Subscription.
# Will disable the annoying login message about
# missing subscription.
dolang /
Created May 28, 2018 15:46
Kivy with an asyncio EventLoop example
Kivy asyncio example app.
Kivy needs to run on the main thread and its graphical instructions have to be
called from there. But it's still possible to run an asyncio EventLoop, it
just has to happen on its own, separate thread.
Requires Python 3.5+.
jmadden / sequential_dialing.php
Last active April 6, 2022 03:02
Sequentially dial phone numbers using Twilio and Twilio's PHP helper library
// Require the bundled autoload file - the path may need to change
// based on where you downloaded and unzipped the SDK
require __DIR__ . '/twilio-php-master/Twilio/autoload.php';
// Use Twilio\TwiML to build TwiML instructions through PHP
use Twilio\Twiml;
// Instantiate a TwiML object.
$response = new Twiml();
tschwaerzl /
Last active February 8, 2024 19:40 — forked from yumminhuang/
Python script to check apt-get updates and send result to Slack channel
#!/usr/bin/env python
import apt
import apt_pkg
from time import strftime
import json
import os
import requests
import subprocess
whi-tw / jobs.yml
Last active March 22, 2022 05:19
rclone python config wrapper
- name: backup_something
local: "/path/to/sync"
remote: "memset_memstore:path/to/remote"
operation: sync
- name: backup_something_else
local: "/another/path/to/sync"
remote: "memset_memstore:another/path/to/remote"
operation: sync
mosquito /
Last active March 13, 2025 00:00
Add doker-compose as a systemd unit

Docker compose as a systemd unit

Create file /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]. SystemD calling binaries using an absolute path. In my case is prefixed by /usr/local/bin, you should use paths specific for your environment.

Description=%i service with docker compose
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('/Users/mustafa/test.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
plt.title('my picture')
DianaEromosele / Change "origin" of your GIT repository
Created August 7, 2016 00:31
Change "origin" of your GIT repository
$ git remote rm origin
$ git remote add origin [email protected]:aplikacjainfo/proj1.git
$ git config master.remote origin
$ git config master.merge refs/heads/master