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LingDong- / unmark.js
Created October 29, 2018 22:53
Markdown to HTML in 1 chain of regexes
var unmark = (t)=>(t
//escape tags
.replace(/(((.*\|)+.+))[\n\r$](?=((.*[\n\r])*<\/table>))/g,' <tr>|$1|</tr>\n')
.replace(/<tr>\|+(.*)\|+<\/tr>/g,'<tr> <td>$1</td> </tr>')
.replace(/\|(?=((.+)<\/tr>))/g,'</td> <td>')
LingDong- / LaTeX-skin.css
Created October 29, 2018 23:41
Make your HTML look like it's typeset with LaTeX
* LaTeX-skin.css
* (c) Lingdong Huang 2018
* Make your HTML look like it's typeset with LaTeX
* Features:
* - LaTeX look and feel, including its font Computer Modern;
* - Automatic numbering of (sub)sections and figures;
* - Print / export to PDF, (On macOS Safari/Chrome, File > Print)
LingDong- / cli-ptcloud.c
Last active December 26, 2019 22:57
// cli-ptcloud.c
// - Lingdong Huang 2019
// View point clouds (.ply format) in commandline
// Dependencies:
// - curses (-lcurses, comes with most unix systems)
// - rply (, place in path below:
#define RPLY_PATH "include/rply/rply.h"
LingDong- / npy-rw.js
Last active September 29, 2023 08:46
Read and write .npy (numpy) files in javascript
// npy-rw.js
// Lingdong Huang 2019
// npy specs:
// reference:
const is_node = (typeof process !== 'undefined')
var npy = {};
LingDong- / findcontours.js
Last active February 20, 2025 05:47
Finding contours in binary images and approximating polylines. Implements the same algorithms as OpenCV's findContours and approxPolyDP.
/** Finding contours in binary images and approximating polylines.
* Implements the same algorithms as OpenCV's findContours and approxPolyDP.
* <p>
* Made possible with support from The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO For Creative Inquiry
* At Carnegie Mellon University.
* @author Lingdong Huang
var FindContours = new function(){let that = this;
LingDong- /
Last active June 7, 2024 16:05
Poisson Filling Shader for Processing(Java)
/* Poisson Filling for Processing
* Made possible with support from The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO For Creative Inquiry
* At Carnegie Mellon University.
package poissonfill;
import processing.core.*;
import processing.opengl.*;
import java.util.*;
LingDong- / ln.c
Last active May 21, 2024 10:37
simple, fast, accurate natural log approximation without <math.h>
// ln.c
// simple, fast, accurate natural log approximation
// when without <math.h>
// featuring * floating point bit level hacking,
// * x=m*2^p => ln(x)=ln(m)+ln(2)p,
// * Remez algorithm
// by Lingdong Huang, 2020. Public domain.
LingDong- / triangulateMTX.ts
Created March 24, 2021 19:15
TypeScript implementation of Mei-Tipper-Xu algorithm for polygon triangulation
/* ===============================================================================
* triangulateMTX.ts
* TypeScript implementation of Mei-Tipper-Xu algorithm for polygon triangulation
* (c) Lingdong Huang 2020 (MIT License)
* =============================================================================== */
namespace triangulateMTX{
export function triangulate(
vertices : Array<[number,number]>,
params : {sliverThreshold? : number,
greedyHeuristic? : boolean,
LingDong- /
Created September 13, 2021 02:22
applet to create cursor "wormholes" connecting different displays
// Lingdong Huang 2021, Public domain
// Simple app to create "wormholes" connecting different displays:
// When cursor enters a black patch, it comes out from the other
// Idea inspired by this mac app "Wormhole by Tod LLC":
// I implemented the idea in java to work on Windows
// Usage:
// javac; java Wormhole <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1>
// (arguments being the positions of the two holes)
LingDong- /
Last active May 19, 2023 08:23
a barebones midi synthesizer calling mac's low level API (CoreMIDI and CoreAudio) directly
// a barebones midi synthesizer demo that calls
// mac's low level API (CoreMIDI and CoreAudio) directly
// (because I can't be bothered to compile other people's libraries)
// with code fragments adapted from
// -
// -