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G. Yz. MarxBro

  • None
  • Buenos Aries, Argentina.
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MarxBro / PHP-Recursive-Implosion.php
Created November 22, 2016 01:39 — forked from jimmygle/PHP-Recursive-Implosion.php
PHP function to recursively implode multi-dimensional arrays.
* Recursively implodes an array with optional key inclusion
* Example of $include_keys output: key, value, key, value, key, value
* @access public
* @param array $array multi-dimensional array to recursively implode
* @param string $glue value that glues elements together
MarxBro / install_irc_server_on_centos6
Created September 25, 2015 17:42 — forked from kaixin-l/install_irc_server_on_centos6
Install IRC Server on CentOS6
// Setting up an IRC server on Cent 6
// Create a user and group for this guy
$ groupadd ircadmin && useradd -m -g ircadmin -s /bin/bash ircadmin
// Make a working directory (/var/source/)
mkdir source && cd source
// Grab the latest versions of Anope and UnrealIRCd
$ wget