Save MattRix/c1f7840ae2419d8eb2ec0695448d4321 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ScriptableObject Icon | |
_Popup | |
_Help | |
Clipboard | |
SocialNetworks.UDNOpen | |
SocialNetworks.Tweet | |
SocialNetworks.FacebookShare | |
SocialNetworks.LinkedInShare | |
SocialNetworks.UDNLogo | |
animationvisibilitytoggleoff | |
animationvisibilitytoggleon | |
tree_icon | |
tree_icon_leaf | |
tree_icon_frond | |
tree_icon_branch | |
tree_icon_branch_frond | |
editicon.sml | |
TreeEditor.Refresh | |
TreeEditor.Duplicate | |
TreeEditor.Trash | |
TreeEditor.AddBranches | |
TreeEditor.AddLeaves | |
TreeEditor.Trash | |
preAudioPlayOn | |
preAudioPlayOff | |
AvatarInspector/RightFingersIk | |
AvatarInspector/LeftFingersIk | |
AvatarInspector/RightFeetIk | |
AvatarInspector/LeftFeetIk | |
AvatarInspector/RightFingers | |
AvatarInspector/LeftFingers | |
AvatarInspector/RightArm | |
AvatarInspector/LeftArm | |
AvatarInspector/RightLeg | |
AvatarInspector/LeftLeg | |
AvatarInspector/Head | |
AvatarInspector/Torso | |
AvatarInspector/MaskEditor_Root | |
AvatarInspector/BodyPartPicker | |
AvatarInspector/BodySIlhouette | |
Mirror | |
SpeedScale | |
Toolbar Minus | |
Toolbar Plus More | |
Toolbar Plus | |
AnimatorController Icon | |
TextAsset Icon | |
Shader Icon | |
boo Script Icon | |
cs Script Icon | |
js Script Icon | |
Prefab Icon | |
Profiler.NextFrame | |
Profiler.PrevFrame | |
sv_icon_none | |
ColorPicker.CycleSlider | |
ColorPicker.CycleColor | |
EyeDropper.Large | |
ClothInspector.PaintValue | |
ClothInspector.ViewValue | |
ClothInspector.SettingsTool | |
ClothInspector.PaintTool | |
ClothInspector.SelectTool | |
WelcomeScreen.AssetStoreLogo | |
WelcomeScreen.AssetStoreLogo | |
AboutWindow.MainHeader | |
UnityLogo | |
AgeiaLogo | |
MonoLogo | |
Toolbar Minus | |
PlayButtonProfile Anim | |
StepButton Anim | |
PauseButton Anim | |
PlayButton Anim | |
PlayButtonProfile On | |
StepButton On | |
PauseButton On | |
PlayButton On | |
PlayButtonProfile | |
StepButton | |
PauseButton | |
PlayButton | |
ViewToolOrbit On | |
ViewToolZoom On | |
ViewToolMove On | |
ViewToolOrbit On | |
ViewToolOrbit | |
ViewToolZoom | |
ViewToolMove | |
ViewToolOrbit | |
ScaleTool On | |
RotateTool On | |
MoveTool On | |
ScaleTool | |
RotateTool | |
MoveTool | |
PauseButton | |
PlayButton | |
Toolbar Minus | |
Toolbar Plus | |
UnityLogo | |
_Help | |
_Popup | |
Icon Dropdown | |
Avatar Icon | |
AvatarPivot | |
SpeedScale | |
AvatarInspector/DotSelection | |
AvatarInspector/DotFrameDotted | |
AvatarInspector/DotFrame | |
AvatarInspector/DotFill | |
AvatarInspector/RightHandZoom | |
AvatarInspector/LeftHandZoom | |
AvatarInspector/HeadZoom | |
AvatarInspector/RightLeg | |
AvatarInspector/LeftLeg | |
AvatarInspector/RightFingers | |
AvatarInspector/RightArm | |
AvatarInspector/LeftFingers | |
AvatarInspector/LeftArm | |
AvatarInspector/Head | |
AvatarInspector/Torso | |
AvatarInspector/RightHandZoomSilhouette | |
AvatarInspector/LeftHandZoomSilhouette | |
AvatarInspector/HeadZoomSilhouette | |
AvatarInspector/BodySilhouette | |
Animation.AddKeyframe | |
Animation.NextKey | |
Animation.PrevKey | |
lightMeter/redLight | |
lightMeter/orangeLight | |
lightMeter/lightRim | |
lightMeter/greenLight | |
Animation.AddEvent | |
SceneviewAudio | |
SceneviewLighting | |
MeshRenderer Icon | |
Terrain Icon | |
sv_icon_none | |
BuildSettings.SelectedIcon | |
Animation.AddEvent | |
Animation.AddKeyframe | |
Animation.NextKey | |
Animation.PrevKey | |
Animation.Record | |
Animation.Play | |
PreTextureRGB | |
PreTextureAlpha | |
PreTextureMipMapHigh | |
PreTextureMipMapLow | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSettings | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolPlants | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolTrees | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSplat | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSmoothHeight | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSetHeight | |
TerrainInspector.TerrainToolRaise | |
SettingsIcon | |
PauseButton | |
PlayButton | |
PreMatLight1 | |
PreMatLight0 | |
PreMatTorus | |
PreMatCylinder | |
PreMatCube | |
PreMatSphere | |
PreMatLight1 | |
PreMatLight0 | |
Camera Icon | |
Toolbar Minus | |
Toolbar Plus | |
Animation.EventMarker | |
AS Badge New | |
AS Badge Move | |
AS Badge Delete | |
WaitSpin00 | |
WaitSpin01 | |
WaitSpin02 | |
WaitSpin03 | |
WaitSpin04 | |
WaitSpin05 | |
WaitSpin06 | |
WaitSpin07 | |
WaitSpin08 | |
WaitSpin09 | |
WaitSpin10 | |
WaitSpin11 | |
WelcomeScreen.AssetStoreLogo | |
WelcomeScreen.UnityAnswersLogo | |
WelcomeScreen.UnityForumLogo | |
WelcomeScreen.UnityBasicsLogo | |
WelcomeScreen.VideoTutLogo | |
WelcomeScreen.MainHeader | |
UnityLogo | |
preAudioPlayOn | |
preAudioPlayOff | |
Animation.EventMarker | |
PreMatLight1 | |
PreMatLight0 | |
PreMatTorus | |
PreMatCylinder | |
PreMatCube | |
PreMatSphere | |
TreeEditor.Duplicate | |
Toolbar Minus | |
Toolbar Plus | |
PreTextureMipMapHigh | |
PreTextureMipMapLow | |
PreTextureRGB | |
PreTextureAlpha | |
VerticalSplit | |
HorizontalSplit | |
Icon Dropdown | |
PrefabNormal Icon | |
PrefabModel Icon | |
PrefabNormal Icon | |
Prefab Icon | |
GameObject Icon | |
preAudioLoopOn | |
preAudioLoopOff | |
preAudioPlayOn | |
preAudioPlayOff | |
preAudioAutoPlayOn | |
preAudioAutoPlayOff | |
BuildSettings.Web.Small | |
BuildSettings.Standalone.Small | |
BuildSettings.iPhone.Small | |
BuildSettings.Android.Small | |
BuildSettings.BlackBerry.Small | |
BuildSettings.Tizen.Small | |
BuildSettings.XBox360.Small | |
BuildSettings.XboxOne.Small | |
BuildSettings.PS3.Small | |
BuildSettings.PSP2.Small | |
BuildSettings.PS4.Small | |
BuildSettings.PSM.Small | |
BuildSettings.FlashPlayer.Small | |
BuildSettings.Metro.Small | |
BuildSettings.WP8.Small | |
BuildSettings.SamsungTV.Small | |
BuildSettings.Web | |
BuildSettings.Standalone | |
BuildSettings.iPhone | |
BuildSettings.Android | |
BuildSettings.BlackBerry | |
BuildSettings.Tizen | |
BuildSettings.XBox360 | |
BuildSettings.XboxOne | |
BuildSettings.PS3 | |
BuildSettings.PSP2 | |
BuildSettings.PS4 | |
BuildSettings.PSM | |
BuildSettings.FlashPlayer | |
BuildSettings.Metro | |
BuildSettings.WP8 | |
BuildSettings.SamsungTV | |
TreeEditor.BranchTranslate | |
TreeEditor.BranchRotate | |
TreeEditor.BranchFreeHand | |
TreeEditor.BranchTranslate On | |
TreeEditor.BranchRotate On | |
TreeEditor.BranchFreeHand On | |
TreeEditor.LeafTranslate | |
TreeEditor.LeafRotate | |
TreeEditor.LeafTranslate On | |
TreeEditor.LeafRotate On | |
sv_icon_dot15_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot1_sml | |
sv_icon_dot4_sml | |
sv_icon_dot7_sml | |
sv_icon_dot5_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot11_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot12_sml | |
sv_icon_dot15_sml | |
sv_icon_dot9_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_name6 | |
sv_icon_name3 | |
sv_icon_name4 | |
sv_icon_name0 | |
sv_icon_name1 | |
sv_icon_name2 | |
sv_icon_name5 | |
sv_icon_name7 | |
sv_icon_dot1_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot8_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot2_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot6_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot0_sml | |
sv_icon_dot3_sml | |
sv_icon_dot6_sml | |
sv_icon_dot9_sml | |
sv_icon_dot11_sml | |
sv_icon_dot14_sml | |
sv_label_0 | |
sv_label_1 | |
sv_label_2 | |
sv_label_3 | |
sv_label_5 | |
sv_label_6 | |
sv_label_7 | |
sv_icon_none | |
sv_icon_dot14_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot7_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot3_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot0_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot2_sml | |
sv_icon_dot5_sml | |
sv_icon_dot8_sml | |
sv_icon_dot10_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot12_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_icon_dot10_sml | |
sv_icon_dot13_sml | |
sv_icon_dot4_pix16_gizmo | |
sv_label_4 | |
sv_icon_dot13_pix16_gizmo |
If you want to preview them, I made a free editor script : https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/unity-internal-icons-70496
How should I proceed if I wanted to assign one to a script ?
Thank you!
It's pretty simple to draw an icon. I tried this inside a reorderable list, and it worked!
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x, y, width_x, width_y), EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("d_winbtn_mac_close"));
Most of the icons are pretty low res, so in case you want your own custom icon, you can do this:
myIcon = Resources.Load<Texture2D>("icons/my_icon"); // Leave out the file extension
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x, y, width_x, width_y), myIcon);
You can find image previews of all built in icons here:
Not sure why, but some icons doesn't work, like CylinderTargetBehaviour Icon
. It's just null, even though I have 2018.3.6f1 and it says the icons are for 2018.3.0f1.
must have more icons !
source code : https://github.com/nukadelic/UnityEditorIcons
Very useful, thanks!
I made a new tool inspired by @p-groarke's asset: https://github.com/GilpStudio/unity-internal-icon-browser
Any idea on how to use them in an editor button?
if (GUILayout.Button(myIconHere))
// do something
Never mind, figured it out. Here it is in case someone else needs it.
var styleCollapse = new GUIStyle();
styleCollapse.fixedHeight = 10;
styleCollapse.fixedWidth = 10;
if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("d_winbtn_mac_close"), styleCollapse))
// do something
if (GUILayout.Button(folder.name, style))
Any idea on how to use them in an editor button?
if (GUILayout.Button(myIconHere)) { // do something }
Never mind, figured it out. Here it is in case someone else needs it.
EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); var styleCollapse = new GUIStyle(); styleCollapse.fixedHeight = 10; styleCollapse.fixedWidth = 10; if (GUILayout.Button(EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("d_winbtn_mac_close"), styleCollapse)) { // do something } if (GUILayout.Button(folder.name, style)) { TreeNodeFolderClicked(folder); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
"FindTexture" It seems that it is no longer valid in unity2018 or later,Use "EditorGUIUtility.IconContent"
"FindTexture" It seems that it is no longer valid in unity2018 or later,Use "EditorGUIUtility.IconContent"
I am using this with 2018.3.6:
Texture2D iconFolder = EditorGUIUtility.FindTexture("Folder Icon");
shows all icons with code names
Turned this into a utility here: https://gist.github.com/ChristopherSchubert/9f2427f190e2ea611450e0019d349bbf
I made a list with icons displayed https://github.com/jasursadikov/unity-editor-icons
"FindTexture" It seems that it is no longer valid in unity2018 or later,Use "EditorGUIUtility.IconContent"
FindTexture is working fine on 2021.3.6f1 so far. EditorGUIUtility.IconContent also works, but can't find some assets listed. One of them being "UnityLogo".
thanks buddy 👍