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Last active June 16, 2020 13:10
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Words counter
extern crate unicase;
use std::{
use unicase::Ascii;
pub fn main() {
let big_string = fs::read_to_string("file.txt").unwrap();
let mut words_counter: HashMap<Ascii<&str>, u32> = HashMap::new();
for word in big_string.split(&[' ',',','.',';',':','\n','\r'][..]) {
if word.is_empty() { continue; }
let strx = Ascii::new(word);
match words_counter.get_mut(&strx) {
Some(cx) => *cx += 1,
None => { words_counter.insert(strx, 1); }
let mut vec_from_iter = Vec::from_iter(words_counter);
vec_from_iter.sort_by(|&(_, a), &(_, b)| b.cmp(&a));
let top_x : Vec<String> =
.map(|(k, v)| format!("{} : {}", k, v))
print!("{}", top_x.join("\n").as_str());
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