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Miezhiko /
Last active June 16, 2020 13:10
Words counter
extern crate unicase;
use std::{
use unicase::Ascii;
Innf107 /
Last active October 15, 2024 07:10
Programming is about information not data, or: you might not need dependent types

Programming is about information not data, or: you might not need dependent types

When I took "Fundamentals of Computer Science" in college, my professor was very adamant about the distinction between data and information and about how data doesn't have any inherent meaning. At the time, it seemed a bit silly to me how much emphasis he put on such a seemingly insignificant difference.

In retrospect, I think he was exactly right about this and I wish more programmers took it to heart.

Data is something you can store in a computer, such as, let's say, the byte 0b01000001.