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Created April 29, 2018 19:53
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Your first internship

Your first internship

Hi again! Summer is about half-way done, and I have spent six weeks working at ARM for my summer internship (still four weeks left). This was my first internship, and I was really exited to get started doing some actual work. So far it has been an incredible experience, and I have learned more than I imagined. However, looking back to week one, there is one thing I wish I had done even more: ask for help/advice.

Ask for help

Before my internship, I received the same advice I am giving you: ask for help/advice. However, sitting at my desk as a fresh intern amongst many experienced people, I became afraid of bothering them too much. They were all friendly and helpful whenever I did ask, so this was my own head playing with me.

What I learned after a couple of weeks was that trying to solve some things myself would just take too long, and asking someone and receiving advice that could either solve my current problem, or steer me in the correct direction, was a better use of everyone's time. After I started asking more, my efficiency increased and the work became even more enjoyable, as I did not have to spend an hour looking at my computer screen with little idea as how to proceed.

Now, just to be clear, I am not saying you should ask about every single thing you are struggling with; you are there to learn, and a big part of that is trying and failing yourself, but I would say that it is better to ask one unecessary question than to not ask a crucial one.

Do not be afraid to ask further questions

Additionally, do not settle for an answer that you barely understand or are slightly confused about. The better you understand their answer now, the less likely it is that you will have to ask them again at a later point. Ask further questions after your initial question is answered, dig deeper into the topic at hand, and if you notice that the topic is one that interests the person you are asking, take advantage of the opportunity and learn as much you can.

# Your first internship
Hi again! Summer is about half-way done, and I have spent six weeks working at ARM for my summer internship (still four weeks left). This was my first internship, and I was really exited to get started doing some actual work. So far it has been an incredible experience, and I have learned more than I imagined. However, looking back to week one, there is <em>one</em> thing I wish I had done even more: ask for help/advice.
## Ask for help
Before my internship, I received the same advice I am giving you: ask for help/advice. However, sitting at my desk as a fresh intern amongst many experienced people, I became afraid of bothering them too much. They were all friendly and helpful whenever I did ask, so this was my own head playing with me.
What I learned after a couple of weeks was that trying to solve some things myself would just take too long, and asking someone and receiving advice that could either solve my current problem, or steer me in the correct direction, was a better use of everyone's time. After I started asking more, my efficiency increased and the work became even more enjoyable, as I did not have to spend an hour looking at my computer screen with little idea as how to proceed.
Now, just to be clear, I am not saying you should ask about every single thing you are struggling with; you are there to learn, and a big part of that is trying and failing yourself, but I would say that it is better to ask one unecessary question than to not ask a crucial one.
## Do not be afraid to ask further questions
Additionally, do not settle for an answer that you barely understand or are slightly confused about. The better you understand their answer <em>now</em>, the less likely it is that you will have to ask them again at a later point. Ask further questions after your initial question is answered, dig deeper into the topic at hand, and if you notice that the topic is one that interests the person you are asking, take advantage of the opportunity and learn as much you can.
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