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Nik Bornemeier NikBorn

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Ideally I would like to find a position within the first 60 days post graduation from Turing. I would like to find a consulting position that includes mentorship and collaboration, I do not want to work for a start up, but I also do not want to work for a huge company.


-Code 5 days a week minimum, 2-4 hours. -apply for 25 posiitons a week, minimum. -Begin to learn Angular.

NikBorn /
Created November 25, 2017 23:25
practice promise problems
  1. Write a function testNum that takes a number as an argument and returns a Promise that tests if the value is less than or greater than the value 10.
const testNum = (number) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> {
    number > 10 ? resolve(number + ' is greater than 10, success!') : 
                  reject(number + ' is less than or eqaul to 10, error!')
NikBorn / gearup
Last active November 8, 2017 19:27
Don't take yourself so seriously
1. If you are taking yourself too seriously, you are more likely to snap at others and make rash decisions based on emotion
and not on logic and fact. ex-Donald Trump.
2. Taking yourself too seriously means not being able to laugh at yourself, or not being able to seperate yourself from your ego.
3. You have to be able to laugh at yourselft, small mistakes, big ones, if it's funny laugh. Everyone makes mistakes and you
are no different.
4. I do think that you have to take yourself somewhat serious. I think the video of the South Park creators is funny, but If I
was part of the group that sends out the invites, I'm probably not sending one to those guys again. There is some level of respect
that you need to pay to others in situations like that. But they definitely don't take themselves very seriously!
NikBorn / 102017TragedyOfTheCommons
Created October 20, 2017 19:38
10-20 gear up Tragedy of the Commons
1. It will end up meaning there will be much, much less diversity than having no or limited bias in those areas.
2. I think diversity quotas are important and very much still needed in our society. Not only will it keep a company on track as far
as creating a diverse staff of employees, but will also mean a greater diversity among ideas, solutions, etc. There is great
value having input from a diffrent view than your own.
3. Education and exposure to groups that an individual is unfamiliar with and does not interact with on a daily basis(in some
instances, people will still need education even if they have exposure.)
4. Try to include as many open-minded diversity appreciating students that you can and continue to educate them on the values
of diversity and how to deal with issues as they will arise in our careers. Try to each them EMPATHY!!!
5. I think the goal of PotP is to demonstrate how small individual biases lead to a much larger biases in society. I think
it also demonstarates that even after
UI is visually how a product/website looks.
UX is the experience the user has while interacting with the comany/product/service.
In the past I have used the empathy phase of design thinking quite often to try to determine what the easiest route is for the
user. I think the most difficult part of design thinking would be reframing. I think it would be hard to identify the 'problem
behind the problem' all the time and not just treat the symptoms.
I think there are quite a few advantages of agile design thinking, you are constanlty able to receive feedback to make sure you
are not wasting resources going down a path that will be scrapped later, you are figuring out the needs of the user not necisarily
the wants of the user, which can sometimes be much harder. I follow the basic design principles outlined. I feel that having a
NikBorn / strengths in groups
Created June 5, 2017 14:24
feeback 3 reflection
Feedback III Reflection
What are you doing well as a pair programmer and collaborator? Working incredibly hard and making sure we are able to deliver
all aspects of the project. Keeping communication open and flowing.
How do you use your strengths as a team member? I stay very positive, work hard, and try to keep things light when stress is
How would you like to continue to develop your strengths? Continue to try to show others my strenghts through my words and
NikBorn / mentor-outreach.MD
Last active June 5, 2017 17:34
Mentor Outreach

Al Scott

"The mentor (or alum) I contacted is Al Scott" Date of contact

"05/05/2017" Outcome (i.e., did you get a response? If not, what is your follow-up plan? Did you meet? When? What was the result?) I did get a response we met on 05/11/2017 and he agreed to be my mentor.

How do you feel like this relationship will benefit you in your longterm professional development?

To recap my strenths are: Learner, Adaptability, Positivity, Achiever, Activator. I don't think I have changed considerabley since
starting Turing but I do think I have been able to use my strengths in a positive manner. My Positivity has made it easier to
stay in a growth mindset when things get tough, my Adaptability has made it easier to deal with unforseen problems or pairing
sessions that pop up at the last minute. I feel like my strength as a Learner has kept me focused on soaking up as much
information on a topic as possible.
I always try to us my Positivity when pairing with others, no matter what the error/problem, we will get through this and find
an appropriate solution.
I feel like I do a good job of using my strengths and I don't necissarily feel that things get in the way of my strengths.
Project: Ideabox
Group Member Names: Nik Bornemeier and James Sullivan
Project Expectations: What does each group member hope to get out of this project? Nik would like to become more comfortable
with JSON and Array prototype methods. ###James would like the same as well as some additional work with css, and simpler
NikBorn /
Last active April 24, 2017 00:39
Strengths and Storytelling

Look at your initial StrengthsFinder reflection that you completed in week 1 -- how have your perceptions of the top 5 themes changed?

I don't know that I would consider the top five that they gave me (Learner, Adaptability, Positivity, Achiever, Activator) to be my 'true top 5 strengths,' but I do beleive I hold all of those strengths somewhere inside of me. The two that absolutely fit me are Adaptablility and Posititvity.

How are you different today than when you first started at Turing? Where are you stronger now than on day 1.

I am much stronger today than when I first started at Turing. When I began, I had a vague idea about what it meant to be a developer. Now I fell as though I am much more confident and competent when it comes to some of the basic concepts of HTML, CSS and Javaspript, but I want to know more. I think this is what keeps driving me. I find myself thinking about non-developement things from a developers view, how can I break this down into smaller problems and solve those?