This is a script that adds a fully functional Fork button to your own Gist.
If a Fork button is already present in the page, this bookmarklet will set focus to it instead of adding another one.
The change is temporary and the button will disappear as soon as you navigate away from that Gist (clicking the Fork button does this for you as well). Meaning you will have to run the script every new page load.
Copy the contents from bookmarklet.js, open Scracthpad (Ctrl+F4), paste it there. Back in browser, swwitch to tab with your Gist you want to fork. Back in Scratchpad, "Run" it. Save and/or bookmark the Scratchpad file for future use.
An addon to do this automatically is available. It is called ghForkable and is found at AMO here.
To run this bookmarklet, switch to tab with your Gist you want to Fork. Then copy paste the Closure Compiler optimized version provided below into you URL bar and hit enter.
Note for Firefox Firefox does not allow bookmarklets, meaning you cannot paste this in your URL bar, and thus you cannot bookmark it. You have to open the scratchpad (Shift + F4) and then paste it there and run it. Can copy and paste either version, bookmarklet.js or closure-compiled.js to scratchpad. You can save the scratchpad file and reuse it, just like a bookmark.
the original had some issues: