Hotseat (Splitscreen Multiplayer) [v0.6 - v0.8.18]: https://discord.com/channels/676154717059153981/704004757047738448/704683903520079912 Multiple boards/players at once, similar to TGM.
Stack_20l (v1) [a0.16.0]: Similar to https://asc.winternebs.com 's Pack mode. The objective is to fit as many pieces in the board as possible.
Stack_40l (v1) [a0.16.0]: Similar to that, but with a field height of 40l
Stack_100l (v1) [a0.16.0]: you know the drill
Stack_e (v2) [a0.16.1 - a0.16.2]: Similar to stack_100l (v1). The objective is to not make any holes in the board.
Stack_h (v2) [a0.16.1 - a0.16.2]: Similar to stack_e (v2), but mixed in with pentominoes
Stack_u (v2) [a0.16.1 - a0.16.2]: Similar to stack_e (v2), but only pentominoes
note: requires love2d.
also not foolproof. im using it to convert techmino mode maps into json.
input comes from input.lua
local input = require('input')
function tableToString(t)
return "{" .. table.concat(t, ",") .. "}"
This guide will teach you how to code modes, eventsets, language files, and more.
Knowing the basics of programming logic is recommended before developing in Techmino.
Feel free to suggest ideas. If you need help, you should use #ask-for-help-read-pins.
This guide is currently in development. Last updated 18 Jan 2023
Migrated from the Discord in 14 Nov 2022
The game uses a scripting language called Lua
It uses a game engine called LÖVE
, also commonly referred to as LOVE
or love2d
Today (21 Jan 2022) I figured out how to reverse engineer Pickcrafter.
Step 1: Get a copy of PickCrafter. I use the .apk version. Step 2: Unzip the .apk (yes, .apks are .zips). Step 3: You'll need 2 files from the unzipped folder:
- \lib\arm64-v8a\libil2cpp.so
- \assets\bin\Data\Managed\Metadata\global-metadata.dat
You can copy them somewhere safe and easy-to-navigate through cmd. In my case I put it in the root directory of C:.