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Last active January 21, 2022 15:22
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My journey to reverse-engineer Pickcrafter

Today (21 Jan 2022) I figured out how to reverse engineer Pickcrafter.

Step 1: Get a copy of PickCrafter. I use the .apk version. Step 2: Unzip the .apk (yes, .apks are .zips). Step 3: You'll need 2 files from the unzipped folder:

  • \lib\arm64-v8a\
  • \assets\bin\Data\Managed\Metadata\global-metadata.dat

You can copy them somewhere safe and easy-to-navigate through cmd. In my case I put it in the root directory of C:.

Step 4: Use Il2CppDumper to convert the app into DLLs.

  • You might need to install .NET 5 or .NET 6
  • To use the app, use cmd and then go to Il2CppDumper's directory (the one that includes the exe)
  • On cmd, type in Il2CppDumper.exe <> <global-metadata.dat> <output-directory>
    • Replace < with the full path of Do the same with <global-metadata.dat>.
    • Replace <output-directory> with the directory you want to store the DLLs in.

Step 5: Use dnSpy to convert DLLs into... I wouldn't say code, more like a skeleton.

  • In dnSpy, press File > Open, then go to <output-directory>\DummyDLL\Assembly-CSharp.dll
  • image Click on the triangle next to Assembly-CSharp, Assembly-CSharp.dll, and the {} symbols labeled with -.
  • There you have it! Now you can see all(?) of the custom classes in the game.
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