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Last active July 6, 2024 13:24
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An OpenAI chatbot in Perl and Corinna
# See also:
use v5.40.0;
use experimental qw( class );
class OpenAI::Chat;
use OpenAPI::Client::OpenAI;
use Data::Printer;
use Carp qw( croak );
use utf8::all;
# these parameters are optional
field $model :param = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0125';
field $temperature :param = .1;
field $context_size :param = 16384; # roughly
# For this example, you must pass a system message. However,
# for production code, you probably want a default one.
field $system_message :param :reader; # no default for this one
# we use $history to track the full history of the conversation, including
# token usage. The LLM is stateless. I cannot remember your conversation,
# so we send the full conversation to the LLM each time.
field $history = [];
field $openai = OpenAPI::Client::OpenAI->new;
method _get_messages ($message) {
my @messages = map { $_->{messages}->@* } $history->@*;
if ($system_message) {
# we always add the system message to the front so that the LLM can
# understand how it's supposed to behave.
unshift @messages, { role => 'system', content => $system_message };
push @messages, $self->_format_user_message($message);
return \@messages;
method _format_user_message ($message) {
return { role => 'user', content => $message };
method _total_tokens () {
my $total_tokens = 0;
for my $entry ( $history->@* ) {
$total_tokens += $entry->{usage}{total_tokens};
return $total_tokens;
method _trim_messages_to_context_size () {
while ( $self->_total_tokens > $context_size ) {
# remove the oldest messages first
shift $history->@*;
method prompt ($prompt) {
my $response = $openai->createChatCompletion(
body => {
model => $model,
messages => $self->_get_messages($prompt),
temperature => $temperature,
if ( $response->res->is_success ) {
my $result;
try {
my $message = $response->res->json->{choices}[0]{message};
my $usage = $response->res->json->{usage};
push $history->@* => {
# track the messages *and* the token usage so we can
# keep track of our context size
messages => [
$self->_format_user_message($prompt), # prompt
$message, # response
usage => $usage,
$result = $message->{content};
$self ->_trim_messages_to_context_size;
catch ($e) {
croak("Error decoding JSON: $e");
return $result;
else {
my $error = $response->res;
croak( $error->to_string );
method _data_printer {
my $details = {
model => $model,
system_message => $system_message,
temperature => $temperature,
context_size => $context_size,
history => $history,
return np $details;
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