Update 2020 Edition: Use something like Airsonic instead. Subsonic's code is closed source at this point, and thus this patch is useless, unless you are using a 9 year old verison of Subsonic for some reason.
A patch to disable the licensing functionality in Subsonic, a GPL-licensed media streaming server/web interface. Use of the mobile apps requires you to get a license after 30 days of trial. You obtain a license via donation.
Except that's not a donation. So, here's a patch to fix that. Support the Subsonic project with a donation that's actually a donation. The program is developed and maintained very well.
svn co https://subsonic.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/subsonic/trunk subsonic
Check out a different branch if you want a specific version.
From the branch root:
patch -p0 < nolicense.patch
mvn install
cd subsonic-booter/
mvn install
Replace the downloaded subsonic.war and subsonic-booter-with-dependencies.jar with the newly compiled ones. Compilation of subsonic-booter is probably optional. It's just a precaution in case the branch you are compiling is newer than whatever version you downloaded.
Ok, what I did to successfully make this patch work on an Ubuntu Server:
Find lines of code pointed to in patch, in file specified by patch (/subsonic-main/src/main/java/net/sourceforge/subsonic/service/SettingsService.java) and make changes specified by ProjectMoon (also specified in code of patch). Follow instructions to compile as described in readme, then
cd [SUBSONIC ROOT]/subsonic-installer-debian
mvn install
This will compile a new subsonic.war and subsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar in [SUBSONIC ROOT]/subsonic-installer-debian/target/deb/usr/share/subsonic
Copy the .war (and .jar if needed) to /usr/share/subsonic, run
/etc/init.d/subsonic restart
and server is patched.