aCloudGuru membership - $250/yr. This includes all training courses as well as practice exams.
Cloud Practitioner Exam - $100, Associate Exams - $150, Professional & Specialty Exams - $300.
Total Estimated Cost for all 9 certifications: $2300
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Training: A Cloud Guru
41 Lessions & 5 Hours of video
- Introduction 06:25
- Cloud Concepts & Technology 04:46:24
- Billing & Pricing 01:11:28
- Security in the Cloud 26:02
- Mega Quiz
- Summary & Good luck! 02:44
Exam Cost: $100
Exam Guide: here
Exam Domain
- Cloud Concepts 28%
- Define the AWS Cloud and its value proposition
- Identify aspects of AWS Cloud economics
- List the different cloud architecture design principles
- Security 24%
- Define the AWS Shared Responsibility model
- Define AWS Cloud security and compliance concepts
- Identify AWS access management capabilities
- Identify resources for security support
- Technology 36%
- Define methodsof deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud
- Define the AWS global infrastructure
- Identify the core AWS services
- Identify resources for technology support
- Billing & Pricing 12%
- Compare and contrast the various pricing models for AWS
- Recognize the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing
- Identify resources available for billing support
White Papers:
Overview of Amazon Web Services
Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices
How AWS Pricing Works
The total cost of (non) ownership of web applications in the cloud
Compare AWS Support Plans
6 advantages of cloud computing
- trade capital expense (data centers and servers) for varaible expense ( consumption of computing resources )
- Benefit from massive economies of scale ( cant compete with aws purchasing power )
- Stop guessing about capacity
- Increase speed and agility ( ability to easily get Minimum Viable Product up fast and easily )
- Stop spending money running and maintaining data center ( let someone else manage that for you. eg aws )
- Go global in minutes ( deploy in multiple regions around the world )
3 types of cloud computing
- Infrastructire As A Service ( IAAS )
- Platform As A Service ( PAAS )
- Software As A Service ( SAAS )
3 types of cloud computing deployments
- public (eg. aws, azure, google, etc.)
- Hybrid ( mixture of public and private )
- private cloud or on premise ( you manage it in your data center )
Know the difference between a region, availability zone (AZ) and an Edge Location
- Think of availability zone's ( AZ ) as data-centers
- A region is a geographical area. Each region consists of two or more AZ's
- Edge location are endpoints for aws which are used for caching content. ( Think Cloudfront, which is the AWS CDN )
AWS Support packages
- basic (free)
- developer ( $29/mo. )
- business ( $100/mo. )
- enterprise ( $15k/mo. and gets a technical account manager )
Access AWS Platform in 3 ways
AWS Web Console
Programatically ( CLI )
Using Software Developers Kit ( SDK )
credentials and config are stored at ~/.aws/*
aws [...options] help
Identity Access Management ( IAM )
- IAM is global, you do not specify a region. Users and groups created are created globally
- Root account is the email address you used to setup AWS account.
- A group is a place to store users. All users will inherit permissions of the group.
- Set permissions in a group by assigning policies.
- roles are universal. no need to specify region.
Billing Alarm
- whoops, nothing here!
Simple Storage Service ( S3 )
- object-based storage ( doc, pic, audio, video )
- objects consist of key-value pair { name: data }, versionID, metadata and subresources.
- unlimited Storage
- buckets are S3 folders, files stored can be from 0B - 5TB
- s3 is a universal namespace
- s3 url format https://s3-{REGION}{BUCKET}
- successful uploads will return HTTP 200
- s3 consistency
- new objects are able to read after writing to S3
- updated or deleted objects will take some time to change
- built for 99.99% availability but will only garantee 99.9%. although amazon garantees 99.999999999% (11x9) durability for S3 information.
- s3 storage classes
- s3 standard
- s3 infrequently accessed - accessed less frequently but requires rapid access when needed
- s3 one zone infrequently accessed - IA but do not require multiple availability zones
- s3 Intelligent tiering - automatically moves data to the most cost-effective access tier
- s3 glacier - data archiving
- s3 glacier deep archive - retrieval time of 12 hours is okay
- you can use bucket policies to make entire s3 buckets public
- you can use s3 to host static websites
- s3 scales automatically to meed demand.
aws s3 ls
aws s3 mb s3://{bucket_name}
aws s3 cp {local_file} s3://{path}/{to}/{bucket}
- amazon's content delivery network
- edge locations are where the content will be cached
- edge locations are not just read only, you can write to them too ( s3 transfer accelleration ).
- origin is the orgin of all the files that the cdn will distribute
- distribution is the name we give the cdn which consists of a collection of edge locations
- web distribution is typically used for websites
- rtmp is used for media streaming
- objects are cached for the life of the TTL ( time to live )
- you can clear cached objects but you will be charged
Elastic Compute Cloud ( EC2 )
- virtual server in cloud
- deployed by region
- ec2 pricing models
- on demand, pay by hour or second
- reserved, locked into contract
- spot, you bid a price. Server boots up or down based on your bid price
- spot, if server is terminated because it went below bid and aws termiates you will not be charged for partial usage.
- spot, if you terminate the server, you will be charged for any hour the instance ran.
- dedicated host, physical ec2 server dedicated for your use
- ec2 instance types
- fight dr mcpxz (McPixie)
- f for FPGA
- i for IOPS
- g for graphics
- h for high disk throughput
- t for t.2. cheap general purpose
- d for density
- r for ram
- m for main choice general purpose apps
- c for compute
- p for picture ( graphics )
- x for extreme memory
- z for z-factor. extreme memory and cpu
- you can apply roles to ec2 instances at any time. changes are immediate
aws ec2 describe-instances
Elastic BeanStalk ( EBS )
- ebs is the virtual disks that the virtual server runs from
- a security group is essentially virtual firewall
- ec2 common ports
- ssh port 22
- microsoft rdp 3389
- http / https work on port 80 and 443
- two different types: ssd and magnetic
- ssd
- general purpose ssd ( GP2 )
- provisioned iops ssd ( IO1 )
- magnetic
- throughput optimized hdd ( ST1 )
- cold HDD ( SC1 )
Elastic Load Balancers
- come in 3 different flavours
- application load balancers, layer 7 OSI model ( make intelligent decisions )
- network load balancers, extreme preformance / static ip addresses
- classic load balancers, test & dev. low cost
aws elb help
aws elbv2 help
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers
aws elbv2 delete-load-balancer --load-balancer-arn {aws lb arn}
- oltp, online transaction processing
- olap, online analytics processing, takes a preformance hit. this is why data-warehousing is a thing
Relational Database ( RDS )
- oltp
aws rds describe-db-instances
aws rds --create-db-instance --engine {mysql, postgres} \
--db-instance-indentifier {mydbinstanceidentifier} \
--db-instance-class {db.t2.micro} \
--allocated-storage {int, number in gigabytes} \
--master-username {username} \
--master-user-password {password}
aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier {identifier}
Non Relational Database ( DynamoDB )
- oltp
- olap
- amazon's data warehousing service
- this is a scalable webservice for in-memory caching of your most common queries.
- elasicache supports two open-source in memory aching engines
- memcached
- redis
Three drivers of cost are: compute, storage and outbound data transfer.
Compute resources generally are per hour unless you are using a reserved instance.
Data storage and transfer you typically pay per GB.
- The more data you transfer out, the less you pay per GB.
4 pricing models
- On Demand
- Dedicated Instances
- Spot Instances
- Reservations
- Read Shared Responsibility Model
Training: A Cloud Guru
- Introduction 17:23
- 10,000 Foot Overview
- Identity Access Management & S3 02:27:28
- EC2 02:29:18
- Databases on AWS 01:05:15
- Route 53 59:41
- VPCs 01:41:45
- HA Architecture 01:56:55
- Applications 57:26
- Serverless 48:26
- Good Luck! 04:55
**Exam Cost: ** $150
Exam Guide: here
**Exam Domain: **
White Papers:
Architecting for the Cloud
AWS Well-Architected
Route 53
Exam Readiness Training: here
Practice Exam:
Exam Cost: $150
Training: A Cloud Guru
89 Lessions & 12 Hours of video
- Introduction 09:42
- Beginners Guide to IAM 27:57
- Beginners Guide to EC2 02:43:06
- S3 02:05:51
- Introduction to Serverless Computing 02:26:45
- DynamoDB 01:26:40
- KMS and Encryption on AWS 24:34
- Other AWS Services 01:08:01
- Developer Theory 02:47:47
- Advanced IAM 28:36
- Summary 02:55
Exam Guide: here
White Papers:
AWS Security Best Practices
AWS Well-Architected Framework
Architecting for the Cloud: AWS Best Practices
Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS
Microservices on AWS
Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda
Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architecture
Running Containerized Microservices on AWS
Blue/Green Deployments on AWS
Simple Queue Service
API Gateway
Elastic Beanstalk
Key Management Service
Exam Readiness Training: here
Practice Exam:
Exam Cost: $150
Training: A Cloud Guru
Exam Guide: here
White Papers:
Exam Readiness Training: here
Practice Exam:
Exam Cost: $150
Training: A Cloud Guru
Exam Guide: here
Exam Readiness Training: here
Practice Exam:
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Exam Cost:$300
Training: A Cloud Guru
Exam Guide: here
Exam Readiness Training: here
Practice Exam:
Exam Date:
Exam Cost: $300
Training: A Cloud Guru
Exam Guide: here
Exam Readiness Training:
AWS Security Fundementals
Authentication and Authorization with AWS IAM
AWS Shared Responsibility Model
AWS Well-Architected Training
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Exam Cost: $300
Training: A Cloud Guru
Exam Guide: here
White Papers:
Exam Readiness Training: here
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Exam Cost: $300
Training: A Cloud Guru
Exam Guide: here
White Papers:
Exam Readiness Training: here
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Exam Cost: $300