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Shekhar Reddy ShekharReddy4

  • 22:34 (UTC -04:00)
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ShekharReddy4 / SettingsPlusplus
Created November 9, 2024 01:58
Notepad++ Settings
ShekharReddy4 / index.html
Created March 6, 2022 06:28
Sort Table Rows by Table Headers - Ascending and Descending (jQuery)
<p>Sort Table Rows by Clicking on the Table Headers - Ascending and Descending (jQuery)</p>
<div class="container">
<div class="table">
<div class="table-header">
<div class="header__item"><a id="name" class="filter__link" href="#">Name</a></div>
<div class="header__item"><a id="wins" class="filter__link filter__link--number" href="#">Wins</a></div>
<div class="header__item"><a id="draws" class="filter__link filter__link--number" href="#">Draws</a></div>
<div class="header__item"><a id="losses" class="filter__link filter__link--number" href="#">Losses</a></div>
<div class="header__item"><a id="total" class="filter__link filter__link--number" href="#">Total</a></div>
ShekharReddy4 / generate-cnf.js
Created November 16, 2021 08:34 — forked from huyen-nguyen/generate-cnf.js
Generate DIMACS CNF formula for N-queens problem
// helper functions
// cnf formula exactly one of the variables in the chosen list to be true
function ext_one(list) {
let temp = ""
return temp
delegate void Printer();
static void Main()
List<Printer> printers = new List<Printer>();
int i=0;
for(; i < 10; i++)
printers.Add(delegate { Console.WriteLine(i); });
2018-08-11T10:07:13.955709Z 0 [Warning] option 'read_buffer_size': unsigned value 0 adjusted to 8192
2018-08-11T10:07:13.955750Z 0 [Warning] option 'read_rnd_buffer_size': unsigned value 0 adjusted to 1
2018-08-11T10:07:13.955771Z 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Please use --explicit_defaults_for_timestamp server option (see documentation for more details).
2018-08-11T10:07:13.955778Z 0 [Warning] 'NO_ZERO_DATE', 'NO_ZERO_IN_DATE' and 'ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO' sql modes should be used with strict mode. They will be merged with strict mode in a future release.
2018-08-11T10:07:13.959693Z 0 [Note] C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysqld.exe (mysqld 5.7.21-log) starting as process 1728 ...
2018-08-11T10:07:13.979667Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions
2018-08-11T10:07:13.980100Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: Uses event mutexes
2018-08-11T10:07:13.980433Z 0 [Note] InnoDB: _mm_lfence() and _mm_sfence() are used for memory barrier
Finished in 8 minutes 47 seconds (files took 15.58 seconds to load)
861 examples, 43 failures, 3 pending
Failed examples:
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_sales/spec/controllers/blog_post_sales_extension_site_controller_spec.rb:16 # SiteController with a blog post renders blog post categories
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_sales/spec/controllers/blog_post_sales_extension_site_controller_spec.rb:42 # SiteController with a blog post renders blog post associated products
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_sales/spec/controllers/cart_controller_spec.rb:28 # CartController switching user with a cart with a casual user with an existing order with a below the line coupon transfers coupon to new user's order
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_sales/spec/controllers/orders_controller_spec.rb:31 # OrdersController with a pronto order for the current user should render that order
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_sales/spec/controllers/orders_controll
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_core/spec/controllers/jobs_controller_spec.rb:30 # JobsController pages render logged in as admin with a job loads jobs page
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_core/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:15 # UsersController pages render logged in as admin creates a user
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_core/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:34 # UsersController pages render logged in as admin renders users page
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_core/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:40 # UsersController pages render logged in as admin redirects show to edit
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_core/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:45 # UsersController pages render logged in as admin loads edit user page
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_core/spec/controllers/users_controller_spec.rb:50 # UsersController pages render logged in as admin loads new user page
rspec ./
22:32:53 Failures:
22:32:53 1) AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites redirecting from list of sites to particular site
22:32:53 Failure/Error: expect(parsed_body['results']).to include("<a href='#{link}" << "\'>")
22:32:53 expected "<li>\n<div class='account_list_col_1'>\n<a href='/kbasecrm/crm/site/2'>\n<img src='/img/crm/site_placeholder_thumbnail.png'>\n</a>\n</div>\n<div class='account_list_col_2'>\n<h3>\n<a href='/kbasecrm/crm/site/2'>Dummy Site2</a>\n</h3>\n<p>\nRoad 1, XY...='view_map_text'>\nView Map\n</div>\n</a>\n</div>\n<div class='account_list_col_3'>\n<div class='crm_contact_details'>\n<table width='100%'>\n<tr>\n<td class='heading'>\nType:\n</td>\n<td colspan='3'></td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</div>\n</div>\n</li>\n\n" to include "<a href='/mobile_sales/crm/site/2'>"
22:32:53 Diff:
22:32:53 @@ -1,2 +1,38 @@
22:32:53 -<a href='/mobile_sales/crm/site/2'>
22:32:53 +<li>
1) AvenuexCrmActivityController Indexed Accounts logged in should allow searching on certain field for accounts
Failure/Error: Sunspot.index!(@entry)

 Sunspot is not configured for Crm::Activity(id: integer, record_key: integer, mailer_item_number: integer, mailer_message_rep_code: string, mailer_message_call_date: date, mailer_message_call_time: integer, mailer_message_call_user_id: string, mailer_message_caller: string, mailer_message_action_date: date, mailer_message_action_time: integer, mailer_message_action_type: string, mailer_message_status: string, mailer_message_line_0: string, mailer_message_line_1: string, mailer_message_line_2: string, machine_code: string, trans_no: integer, date_time_stamp: datetime, end_date: date, end_time: integer, reminder_date: date, reminder_time: integer, campaign_code: string, response_code: string, forecast_no: integer, forecast_type: string, spare_alpha10_1: string, spare_num1: d
ShekharReddy4 /
Created May 10, 2018 21:29 — forked from masak/
How is git commit sha1 formed

Ok, I geeked out, and this is probably more information than you need. But it completely answers the question. Sorry. ☺

Locally, I'm at this commit:

$ git show
commit d6cd1e2bd19e03a81132a23b2025920577f84e37
Author: jnthn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Apr 15 16:35:03 2012 +0200

When I added FIRST/NEXT/LAST, it was idiomatic but not quite so fast. This makes it faster. Another little bit of masak++'s program.