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Created May 31, 2018 06:03
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1) AvenuexCrmActivityController Indexed Accounts logged in should allow searching on certain field for accounts
Failure/Error: Sunspot.index!(@entry)

 Sunspot is not configured for Crm::Activity(id: integer, record_key: integer, mailer_item_number: integer, mailer_message_rep_code: string, mailer_message_call_date: date, mailer_message_call_time: integer, mailer_message_call_user_id: string, mailer_message_caller: string, mailer_message_action_date: date, mailer_message_action_time: integer, mailer_message_action_type: string, mailer_message_status: string, mailer_message_line_0: string, mailer_message_line_1: string, mailer_message_line_2: string, machine_code: string, trans_no: integer, date_time_stamp: datetime, end_date: date, end_time: integer, reminder_date: date, reminder_time: integer, campaign_code: string, response_code: string, forecast_no: integer, forecast_type: string, spare_alpha10_1: string, spare_num1: decimal, spare_date_time: datetime, time_zone_key: integer, mmess_importance: integer, mmess_showtime: integer, mmess_subject: string, mmess_all_day: integer, mmess_location: string, mmess_external_date_time: datetime, mmess_reminder_set: integer, mmess_user_only_date1: datetime, mmess_user_only_alpha4_1: string, mmess_user_only_alpha4_2: string, mmess_user_only_num1: decimal, mmess_user_only_num2: decimal, pronto_valid: integer, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)
# C:\jruby-1.7.26\bin\rspec:23:in `(root)'
2) AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites renders list of sites
Failure/Error: expect(parsed_body['results']).to include

 can't convert nil into String
# C:\jruby-1.7.26\bin\rspec:23:in `(root)'
3) AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites redirecting from list of sites to particular site
Failure/Error: expect(parsed_body['results']).to include("<a href='#{link}" << "\'>")
 expected "" to include "<a href='/mobile_sales/crm/site/2'>"
# C:\jruby-1.7.26\bin\rspec:23:in `(root)'
4) AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites should be able to paginate a list of sites in the tab
Failure/Error: expect(parsed_body['total_results']).to eq(13)

 expected: 13
 got: 0

 (compared using ==)
# C:\jruby-1.7.26\bin\rspec:23:in `(root)'
5) AvenuexDebtorController Indexed Accounts logged in should be able to search for a debtor
Failure/Error: expect(results.any?{|a| a.deb_notes == "TestTerritory"}).to eq true

 expected: true
 got: false

 (compared using ==)
# C:\jruby-1.7.26\bin\rspec:23:in `(root)'
Finished in 6 minutes 33 seconds (files took 29.01 seconds to load)
95 examples, 5 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_avenuex/spec/controllers/avenuex_crm_activity_controller_spec.rb:69 # AvenuexCrmActivityController
Indexed Accounts logged in should allow searching on certain field for accounts
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_avenuex/spec/controllers/avenuex_crm_contact_controller_spec.rb:49 # AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites renders list of sites 
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_avenuex/spec/controllers/avenuex_crm_contact_controller_spec.rb:58 # AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites redirecting from list of sites to particular site
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_avenuex/spec/controllers/avenuex_crm_contact_controller_spec.rb:67 # AvenuexCrmContactController crm pages render logged in render sites should be able to paginate a list of sites in the tab
rspec ./vendor/components/xsg_avenuex/spec/controllers/avenuex_debtor_controller_spec.rb:43 # AvenuexDebtorController Indexed Accounts logged in should be able to search for a debtor
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