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Simone SimoneStefani

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How to make a commit with plumbing commands

1. Setup Git repo

  • Make empty folder called git-plumbing. Git is not initialised!
  • Make .git directory where all the Git system will reside. Git is not initialised!
  • Git repository is a collection of object and a system for naming those objects (refs). Let's make objects and refs subfolders.
  • Let's make .git/refs/heads which keep track of branches. Git is not initialised!
  • The last missing piece to initialise a Gitrepo is a HEAD file with content:
ref: refs/heads/master
SimoneStefani /
Last active January 6, 2025 13:36
Example of AES encryption and decryption in Java
* Code written by P. Gajland
* This code is for educational and demonstrative purpose only.
* If you need to do serious encryption for "production" it is
* recommended to investigate more traditional libraries and
* gain some specific knowledge on cryptography and security.