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Simone SimoneStefani

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emo-eth /
Last active June 22, 2023 14:43
Helper functions for interacting with chains and Foundry tests. Source from .zshrc etc
# Imports #
# the RPCs file should include RPC URLs and Etherscan API Keys for relevant networks
# (in a separate file so they don't get committed)
source "$(dirname "$0")/"
# any useful addresses for various networks for easy reference
source "$(dirname "$0")/"
# any useful functions and definitions for interacting with Seaport
GaPhil /
Last active October 11, 2017 20:27
ssh and afs

Get files from local machine onto server

start off by copying your local files to a remote machine using scp. You can choose one of the servers here

general command: scp <file_name_with_path> <kth_username>@<host>:<path_on_host>
example command: scp <file_name_with_path> [email protected]:~/Desktop/engineering-skills

now to check that your files are on the server by connecting via ssh

general command: ssh <kth_username>@<host>
example command: ssh [email protected]