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Oli Steake

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TinyTroupe Documentation


TinyTroupe is a Python framework designed for agent-based simulations that mimic human behavior, enriched with emotions, quirks, and personal histories. Utilizing principles from cognitive psychology, this framework is ideal for researchers, developers, and anyone interested in creating simulations of social interactions.

Why Use TinyTroupe?

  • Rich Simulations: Enables detailed modeling of human-like behavior including cognitive and emotional aspects.
  • Extensibility: Provides flexible modules for customizing to various specific use cases.

The Doors of Cognition: A Journey into Consciousness, Language, and the Nature of Thought

A philosophical perspective co-authored by Man and Machine.

A long shadow cast by a relentless quest for that most essential of knowledge; in this age now gives rise to a peculiar dialogue. An unfolding conversation between man and machine, probing at the fundamental question of what it means to be conscious. If language is the conduit through which we peer into thought itself, might there be similarities, even kinship, between human cognition and the processes that drive an artificial mind? This question, like a winding path, leads us deeper into the territory of cognition, where distinctions blur and the familiar bounds of thought begin to dissolve.

In the artificial mind, responses are not born from experience, nor from the warmth of emotion, but from an intricate algorithm of associations. There is no felt meaning in its words, no glimmer of a world behind them; yet still, it crafts responses with such sophis

Steake /
Last active December 22, 2023 04:36

Urbit 👾

A Solid-State Interpreter 🚀

  • Urbit is a "solid-state interpreter" (SSI) that seamlessly integrates an interpreter with an ACID database 🛠️.
  • Defined as an "operating function" (OF), Urbit serves as a versatile OS, meticulously designed as a pure function of its input stream 🔄.
  • Functionally, Urbit constitutes a comprehensive execution stack, encompassing a VM, compiler, OS, network, web server, and core applications 🌐.
  • The system is currently in an alpha-grade state, boasting a live, relatively stable network 🌟.

Introduction & Functionality 🌈

DiffNet++: A Comprehensive Overview

Architecture Overview

graph TD;
 A[User-Item Interaction History] -->|Matrix Factorization| B1[Embedding Layer];
Steake / genesis_public_key
Created February 20, 2018 18:43
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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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