graph TD;
A[User-Item Interaction History] -->|Matrix Factorization| B1[Embedding Layer];
B1 -->|Combine with Features| C1[Fusion Layer];
C1 -->|Context-Aware Attention| D1[Context-Aware Attention Mechanism];
D1 -->|Graph Convolution| D2[Graph Convolutional Network GCN Layer];
D2 -->|Dot Product| E1[Prediction Layer];
E1 --> F1[Output: Predicted Preferences];
Z1[User-User Social Network] -.->|Influence| D2;
Z2[User-Item Interest Network] -.->|Interest| D2;
Layer | Description | Example Data |
Embedding Layer | Converts users and items into vector representations | Alice: [0.8, 0.2] |
Fusion Layer | Combines embeddings with other features | Alice's vector with Location: [0.8, 0.2, 0.5] |
Context-Aware Attention Mechanism | Assigns weights to features based on relevance | Attention weights for Alice: [0.6, 0.3, 0.1] |
GCN Layer | Updates embeddings using both social and interest networks | Updated Alice's vector: [0.75, 0.15, 0.45] |
Prediction Layer | Outputs the final predicted preference score | Predicted score for Alice liking 'Star Wars': 0.92 |
DiffNet++ is an advanced recommendation system architecture that provides a deep understanding of user preferences. It begins with an embedding layer that transforms user-item interactions into vectors. The fusion layer then incorporates additional features. What sets DiffNet++ apart is its context-aware attention mechanism which evaluates the importance of each feature. This is followed by a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) layer that integrates insights from both user-to-user social connections and user-to-item interest networks. Finally, the prediction layer produces personalized recommendations based on the refined embeddings.
- ( u ) is the user's embedding vector.
- ( i ) is the item's embedding vector.
- ( W_{1u} ) and ( W_{1i} ) are the weight matrices.
- ( b_{1u} ) and ( b_{1i} ) are the bias terms.
The transformations are given by:
- ( W_{2u} ) and ( W_{2i} ) are the fusion weight matrices.
- ( b_{2u} ) and ( b_{2i} ) are the fusion bias terms.
The fusion embeddings are computed as:
- ( W_3 ) is the weight matrix for diffusion.
- ( b_3 ) is the bias term for diffusion.
- ( S ) is the social network matrix.
The influence diffusion is modeled as:
Where (\text{Diffusion}(S)) is a function that aggregates the influence from neighboring users in the social network ( S ).
- ( W_4 ) is the weight matrix for prediction.
- ( b_4 ) is the bias term for prediction.
The prediction is made as:
The model is then trained using a pair-wise ranking-based loss function which evaluates the difference between the predicted ratings (( \hat{y} )) and the actual ratings. The Adam optimizer with learning rate ( \alpha = 0.001 ) is used to adjust the parameters ( W ) and ( b ) in order to minimize the loss.