Code repository:
- /user/firmware.bin
P6: Pin 1 (3.3V) -> ICE Pin 1 (VTref) (square pin)
P6: Pin 2 (SWDIO) -> ICE Pin 7 (TMS)
P6: Pin 3 (SWCLK) -> ICE Pin 9 (TCK)
P6: Pin 4 (GND) -> ICE Pin 20 (GND)
- Device: Cortex-M4
- Target Interface: SWD
- Interface Speed: 4000 KHz (default)
- VTOR is at 0xE000ED08
- which shows vector table start now at 0x8000 (where bootloader will put new bins)
- which shows stack pointer at 0x20002878 and reset at 0x843D - this is for firmware that shipped with my board
So it looks like 8MHz XTAL * 50 / 2 is 200MHz system clock
- MPLLM[0:4] = 0, divide by 1
- PLLSRC = 0, XTAL selected (8MHz)
- MPLLN[8:0] = 0x031 = multiply by 50d
- MPLLR[3:0] = 3, divide by 4
- MPLLQ[3:0] = 3, divide by 4
- MPLLP[3:0] = 3, divide by 4
So it looks like 8MHz XTAL * 42 / 2 is 168MHz system clock
- MPLLM[0:4] = 0, divide by 1
- PLLSRC = 0, XTAL selected (8MHz)
- MPLLN[8:0] = 0x029 = multiply by 42
- MPLLR[3:0] = 1, divide by 2
- MPLLQ[3:0] = 1, divide by 2
- MPLLP[3:0] = 1, divide by 2
- CMU_SCFGR (32-bit) @ 0x40054020 after boot: 0x0011_2210
- PCLK0: 0 divide by 1 = 200 - max 200, Timer6
- PCLK1: 1 divide by 2 = 100 - max 100, USART, Timers, AES
- PCLK2: 2 divide by 4 = 50 - max 60, ADC
- PCLK3: 2 divide by 4 = 50 - max 50, RTC, I2C, CMP, WDT, SWDT control
- PCLK4: 1 divide by 2 = 100 - max 100, ADC control, TRNG
- EXCKS: 1 divide by 2 = 100 - max 100, SDIO, CAN
- HCLKS: 0 divide by 1 = 200 - max 200, CPU, DMA, SRAM, INTC, QSPI, GPIO, DCU
- CH340G TXD (2) = PA7 (to micro-USB connector)
- CG340G RXD (3) = PA8
- TB Bed Temperature = PC4
- Bed Heater = PB10
- TH Extruder Temp = PC5
- Extruder Heater = PA1
- E Dir = PA15
- E Step = PB3
- E Enable = PB4
- X Dir = PC0
- X Step = PC1
- X Enable = PC2
- X- endstop = PA5
- X+ (extra?) = PA4 (found on pin 1 of 3-pin X+ header)
- Y Dir = PB8
- Y Step = PB9
- Y Enable = PH2
- Y- endstop = PA6
- Z Dir = PB5
- Z Step = PB6
- Z Enable = PB7
- Z- endstop = PB0
- K-FAN1 = K-FAN2 = PA0
- BLTouch pin 3 (IN) = PB1
- BLTouch pin 5 (OUT) = PB2
- LCD 1 (5V)
- LCD 2 (GND)
- LCD 3 (MOSI) = PB12
- LCD 4 (N/C) = PB15
- LCD 5 (CLK) = PB14
- LCD 6 (MISO) = PB13
- LCD 7 (RX) = PA3
- LCD 8 (TX) = PA2
- LCD 9 (RST) = PC7
- LCD 10 (ENC) = PC6
Not moving Y motor. Everything else are working good.