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private void TabDefault()
// The idea is as a User I expect the Tab Button to go from left to right and from top to bottom.
// Unfortunately this isn't the default behaviour in WinForms hence this method.
// It will go through all Controls and sort them by their x and y coordinates and set a sane set of Tab Indices
// This saves Maintainence because now you don't need to adapt Tab Indices when you add/remove a control
List<Control> tabAbleControls = new List<Control>();
foreach (Control c in Controls)
tabAbleControls = tabAbleControls.OrderBy(o=> o.Location.Y).ThenBy( o=> o.Location.X).ToList();
for(int i = 0; i < tabAbleControls.Count; i++)
tabAbleControls[i].TabIndex = i;
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