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Trevoke Trevoke

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;; paste in a buffer and (eval-buffer)
;; start with M-x org-roam-dailies-preview
;; stop with M-x org-roam-dailies-quit-preview
;; Puts you in the org-roam-dailies directory
;; binds <up> and <down> to functions that move up and down
;; the dailies and place the contents of the daily in a preview buffer
(defun ordp--buffer ()
(let ((buffer (get-buffer-create "* Org Roam Dailies Preview *")))
(with-current-buffer buffer
Trevoke / clocktable-report-by-property.el
Last active November 19, 2021 18:05
org clock table data grouped by project
;; generates something like this
;; #+begin: clockreport-by-project
;; | | | |
;; |------------+----------------+----------------|
;; | EA | 0.18 | |
;; | internal | 0.83 | |
;; | management | 0.47 | 1.70 |
;; #+end:
(defun org-dblock-write:clockreport-by-project (params)
Trevoke /
Last active January 12, 2022 21:31 — forked from laser/

Movie Ticket Kata

What Are We Building?

Write a program that calculates purchase price for movie tickets using any language you like. It should not be a full-blown web app; it can be a simple class or collection of methods invokable by your test suite. We'll provide you with some requirements, test-cases, and even a sample interface - all you have to do is give us some software.

Base Admission Rate

The Base Admission Rate cover movies to be viewed on a regular weekday (see "Special Movie Day" below), in 2D, with a length of <= 120 minutes, viewed from the main seating area (there is also a balcony seating area, which is much fancier).

# This script will setup Evm (Emacs Version Manager) and Cask on
# Travis to use for Emacs Lisp testing.
# In .travis.yml, add this:
# - curl -fsSkL > && source ./
# Emacs 24.3 is installed in the above script because Cask requires
Trevoke / gist:dfa6d886f12d85d7d1d54103d4a808b5
Last active March 18, 2018 23:22
producer_consumer does not modify events
# Usage: mix run lib/producer_consumer.exs
# Hit Ctrl+C twice to stop it.
# This is a base example where a producer A emits items,
# which are amplified by a producer consumer B and printed
# by consumer C.
defmodule A do
use GenStage
Trevoke / article.ex
Created January 23, 2018 16:56 — forked from slashdotdash/article.ex
Commanded multi-entity aggregates
defmodule Article do
defstruct [:content, comments: []]
# public commands
def execute(%Article{}, %PublishArticle{content: content}) do
%ArticlePublished{content: content}
def execute(%Article{}, %CommentOnArticle{} = comment) do
Trevoke /
Created September 14, 2017 16:18 — forked from adamwiggins/
My Heroku values

Make it real

Ideas are cheap. Make a prototype, sketch a CLI session, draw a wireframe. Discuss around concrete examples, not hand-waving abstractions. Don't say you did something, provide a URL that proves it.

Ship it

Nothing is real until it's being used by a real user. This doesn't mean you make a prototype in the morning and blog about it in the evening. It means you find one person you believe your product will help and try to get them to use it.

Do it with style

Trevoke / gpg.rst
Created March 3, 2016 05:00 — forked from paul-schwendenman/gpg.rst
GPG Cheatsheet

GPG Cheat sheet

A small guide to little things

Create a key

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am trevoke on github.
  • I am trevoke ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 48D1 9866 1459 C162 184F FB48 564E 4148 EBF9 21A9

To claim this, I am signing this object: