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Jack Vanlightly Vanlightly

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Vanlightly / kafka_transactions_for_web.cfg
Last active December 19, 2024 11:47
Throwaway Kafka txns for TLA web
\* Model parameters
p1 = p1
TxnLogPartitions = {p1}
tp1 = tp1
TopicPartitions = {p1}
b1 = b1
b2 = b2
Brokers = {b1, b2}
c1 = c1
Vanlightly / atomic-silly
Last active December 6, 2024 16:06
role Pong:
action Init:
self.response = None
atomic action ReceivePing:
recv_msg = any network[self.ID]
send_msg = "hi " +
# Cache the first response and then always send that
if self.response == None:
Vanlightly / CountersNodes.tla
Created December 5, 2024 11:42
Symmetry in TLA+
----------------------------- MODULE CountersNodes -----------------------------
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets, TLC
CONSTANTS Counters, \* e.g. {c1, c2}
Nodes \* e.g. {n1, n2}
VARIABLES counter,
Vanlightly / What a cost analysis might consist of
Created November 8, 2024 07:40
3 pillars vs wide events cost analysis
A cost analysis can be quite a large undertaking but also extremely valuable. How far one takes it depends on the time available and the value of the analysis.
There are different levels of detail/accuracy (in order of cheapest and easiest, to most effort/hardest):
* Use back of the napkin math, based on prior experience, to cost the infrastructure needed.
* Use modeling (spreadsheets or simple programs that simulate the workloads and hardware), with some assumptions from prior experience, to cost the infrastructure needed.
* Use synthetic benchmarking to cost infrastructure needed. This requires deploying OSS components and running perf tests.
I typically go for the modeling approach if the workload is low variance in hardware demands and I have a lot of experience with the workload, else it's benchmarking. The benchmarking doesn't need to be super comprehensive, but enough to get some confidence in the sizing needed to handle some common workloads.
The way I would generally tackle this is in two parts:
Vanlightly / gossa_v4.tla
Last active October 9, 2023 09:05
--------------------------- MODULE gossa_v4 ---------------------------
This version uses enabling conditions to limit the state space
while preserving the ability of TLC to effectively check
the liveness properties.
The constant MaxGeneration defines the inclusive maximum
generation value that can be reached by any given node. The
limit is applied on Start because even though this is a recovery
action, it doesn't affect the lone liveness property of this
Vanlightly / gossa_v3.tla
Last active October 9, 2023 08:45
--------------------------- MODULE gossa_v3 ---------------------------
To see how a state constraint can break liveness try running this spec
twice with:
- NodeCount=2:
- Use the LivenessSpec temporal formula.
- Uncomment the line '/\ generation[source] < 4' in Gossip.
This line adds an artificial rule that will prevent convergence.
Run 1:
Vanlightly / gossa_v2.tla
Last active October 9, 2023 09:26
--------------------------- MODULE gossa_v2 ---------------------------
To hit the liveness property of stuttering while still not
converged, comment out the actions Die and CorrectlyDetectDeadNode
in the Next state formula.
EXTENDS Naturals
Vanlightly / constants
Last active October 9, 2023 09:20
Gossa V1
VARIABLES running,
Nodes == 1..NodeCount
Vanlightly / Clock.tla
Created June 3, 2021 08:38
Clock TLA+ specification
------------------------------- MODULE Clock -------------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals
VARIABLES hour, minute, second
Init ==
/\ hour = 0
/\ minute = 0
/\ second = 0
Vanlightly / JumpyClock.tla
Last active October 8, 2023 07:26
----------------------------- MODULE JumpyClock -----------------------------
EXTENDS Naturals
VARIABLES hour, minute, second
Init ==
/\ hour = 0
/\ minute = 0
/\ second = 0