- the state of a role being placed separately from other roles on the member list (does the admin role hoist?)
- the position of a role in the member list (the owner role is hoisted at the top)
- the custom discord invite link (discord.gg/discord-townhall versus discord.gg/wfepkwwe)
note: vanities may sometimes be simply called /vanityhere
, especially in server names.
if a user says "/discord-townhall", you might assume they are discussing discord.gg/discord-townhall
- permission level (the admin role has the admin perm)
- the state of a role having a high permission level (does the mod role have perms)
- lots of accounts joining for the purpose of flooding chat or otherwise ruining the server
- raid shadow legends (sponsored this dictionary)
- the act of an admin or some other user with moderator permissions doing some large destructive action within the server (mass deleting roles, channels, mass banning, etc)
- chernobyl
- discord's app directory (you can add wick from the directory)
when needed, this will be updated.