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danielchasehooper / inline_shader.js
Created February 4, 2025 20:33
the code that creates the interactive shader editor for
"use strict";
// I'm posting at the request of this lobsters comment:
// this code sets up the live shader editor on
(function() {
let gl;
let program;
let cached_vertex_shader;
egeozcan / index.html
Created October 18, 2024 08:40
image viewer
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Fullscreen Image Viewer</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
natanlao /
Last active February 23, 2025 18:47
Syncing iPhone photos with Syncthing

For those who prefer to avoid solutions like iCloud Photos and Dropbox for backing up photos, you can sync your iPhone photos with Syncthing. To do this, you'll need two things:

  • Möbius Sync is, to my knowledge, the only actively-maintained Syncthing client for iOS. It's free to sync up to 20 MB, and only $4.99 (one-time) to remove that limit.

  • PhotoSync is a nifty iOS app for syncing photos to a number of different destinations. It's free for low-quality

johnwcowan /
Last active January 17, 2021 21:36
Dioscuri, a Gemini-adjacent protocol for interaction

This gist will be maintained, and supersedes all IRC and email description of Dioscuri.

Dioscuri, a Gemini-adjacent protocol for interaction

Dioscuri is a protocol intended to supplement Gemini for doing things like performing remote actions or running an application server. It is the POST to Gemini's GET. Dioscuri servers will run on a different port from Gemini servers, so that they do not interfere with each other; it will often be useful to run multiple servers on one host, so no fixed port is specified. The use of client certificates for authorization is strongly recommended, especially if requests are interpreted to affect server-side state.

The name "Dioscuri" is the Latin version of the Classical Greek name Διόσκουροι for the Heavenly Twins, Castor and Pollux/Polydeukes, who were called Gemini in Latin; the constellation is named after them. I say dee-OH-skoo-ree, but Greeks, classicists, and others should feel free to pronounce the name their way.

Great thanks to the members of [#gemini](ir

# downloads a page from gemini server
(echo "gemini://"; sleep 1) | openssl s_client -connect
ProGM /
Last active January 23, 2025 10:24
Arel cheatsheet on Steroids

Arel Cheatsheet on Steroids

A (more) complete cheatsheet for Arel, including NamedFunction functions, raw SQL and window functions.


posts =
posts = Post.arel_table # ActiveRecord

Table alias

munificent / generate.c
Last active January 27, 2025 18:14
A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card
#include <time.h> // Robert Nystrom
#include <stdio.h> // @munificentbob
#include <stdlib.h> // for Ginny
#define r return // 2008-2019
#define l(a, b, c, d) for (i y=a;y\
<b; y++) for (int x = c; x < d; x++)
typedef int i;const i H=40;const i W
=80;i m[40][80];i g(i x){r rand()%x;
}void cave(i s){i w=g(10)+5;i h=g(6)
+3;i t=g(W-w-2)+1;i u=g(H-h-2)+1;l(u
fnky /
Last active March 16, 2025 09:05
ANSI Escape Codes

ANSI Escape Sequences

Standard escape codes are prefixed with Escape:

  • Ctrl-Key: ^[
  • Octal: \033
  • Unicode: \u001b
  • Hexadecimal: \x1B
  • Decimal: 27
raorao /
Last active February 9, 2025 20:57
PR Comment Emojis

Any top-level comment on pull request ought be tagged with one of four emojis:

  • for a non-blocking comment that asks for clarification. The pull request author must answer the question before the pull request is merged, but does not have to wait for the comment author to re-review before merging.

  • 🎨 for a non-blocking comment that proposes a refactor or cleanup. The pull request author does not have to address the comment for the pull request to merge.

  • ⚠️ for a blocking comment that must be addressed before the pull request can merge. The comment's author should leave a Request Changes review, and is responsible for re-reviewing once the pull request author has addressed the issue.

  • 😻 for a comment that compliments the author for their work.