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Created September 13, 2012 18:11
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color modifications in coffeescript
# rgb <-> hsl algorithms from
Colors =
# Converts an RGB color value to HSL. Conversion formula
# adapted from
# Assumes r, g, and b are contained in the set [0, 255] and
# returns h, s, and l in the set [0, 1].
# @param Number r The red color value
# @param Number g The green color value
# @param Number b The blue color value
# @return Array The HSL representation
rgbToHsl: (r, g, b) ->
r /= 255
g /= 255
b /= 255
max = Math.max(r, g, b)
min = Math.min(r, g, b)
l = (max + min) / 2
if max == min
h = s = 0 # achromatic
d = max - min
s = if l > 0.5 then d / (2 - max - min) else d / (max + min)
switch max
when r
h = (g - b) / d + (if g < b then 6 else 0)
when g
h = (b - r) / d + 2
when b
h = (r - g) / d + 4
h /= 6
[h, s, l]
# Converts an HSL color value to RGB. Conversion formula
# adapted from
# Assumes h, s, and l are contained in the set [0, 1] and
# returns r, g, and b in the set [0, 255].
# @param Number h The hue
# @param Number s The saturation
# @param Number l The lightness
# @return Array The RGB representation
hslToRgb: (h, s, l) ->
if s == 0
r = g = b = l # achromatic
hue2rgb = (p, q, t) ->
if t < 0 then t += 1
if t > 1 then t -= 1
if t < 1/6 then return p + (q - p) * 6 * t
if t < 1/2 then return q
if t < 2/3 then return p + (q - p) * (2/3 - t) * 6
return p
q = if l < 0.5 then l * (1 + s) else l + s - l * s
p = 2 * l - q
r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/3)
g = hue2rgb(p, q, h)
b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/3)
[r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]
# turn a CSS compatible hex string to an rgb triple.
# @param String colr A hex color value. With or without leading "#".
# @return Array rgb An RGB triple with values in the set [0, 255].
rgbify: (colr) ->
colr = colr.replace /#/, ''
if colr.length is 3
parseInt(colr.slice(0,1) + colr.slice(0, 1), 16)
parseInt(colr.slice(1,2) + colr.slice(1, 1), 16)
parseInt(colr.slice(2,3) + colr.slice(2, 1), 16)
else if colr.length is 6
parseInt(colr.slice(0,2), 16)
parseInt(colr.slice(2,4), 16)
parseInt(colr.slice(4,6), 16)
# just return black
[0, 0, 0]
# rgb to css compatible hex color string.
# @param Array rgb An RGB color triple.
# @return String rgb The color in CSS style hex with leading "#"
hexify: (rgb) ->
colr = '#'
colr += Math.floor(rgb[0]).toString(16)
colr += Math.floor(rgb[1]).toString(16)
colr += Math.floor(rgb[2]).toString(16)
# lighten color by percent of its current lightness. NOTE: this means colors that
# start darker will need a much higher `percent` value to make them appear brighter.
# @param Array or String rgb An RGB color description.
# @param Float percent A percentage value >= 0
# @return String hex A hex string of the new color.
lighten: (rgb, percent) ->
rgb = @rgbify(rgb) if typeof rgb == 'string'
hsl = @rgbToHsl.apply this, rgb
lightness = hsl[2] + (hsl[2] * percent)
lightness = Math.min 1.0, lightness
return @hexify(@hslToRgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], lightness))
# darken a color by a percentage of its current lightness
# @param Array or String rgb An RGB color description.
# @param Float percent A percentage value >= 0
# @return String hex A hex string of the new color.
darken: (rgb, percent) ->
rgb = @rgbify(rgb) if typeof rgb is 'String'
hsl = @rgbToHsl.apply(this, rgb)
lightness = hsl[2] - (hsl[2] * percent)
lightness = Math.max 0.0, hsl[2]
return @hexify @hslToRgb(hsl[0], hsl[1], lightness)
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borhub commented Oct 22, 2013

rgbify() for 3 has the string slicing wrong should be:

        parseInt(colr.slice(0,1) + colr.slice(0, 1), 16)
        parseInt(colr.slice(1,2) + colr.slice(1, 2), 16) #fixed slice range
        parseInt(colr.slice(2,3) + colr.slice(2, 3), 16) #fixed slice range

thanks for sharing!

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I think line 130 should be:
rgb = @rgbify(rgb) if typeof rgb is 'string'
Looks like you accidentally capitalized 'String'

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The values need padding in hexity().

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