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Sample code for AnnotoriousOSD that automates polygon selection by tracing contours in the selected image section.
import OpenSeadragon from 'openseadragon';
import * as Annotorious from '@recogito/annotorious-openseadragon';
import '@recogito/annotorious-openseadragon/dist/annotorious.min.css';
* Basic concept for this is from the official OpenCV docs:
// Helper: chunks an array (i.e array to array of arrays)
const chunk = (array, size) => {
const chunked_arr = [];
let index = 0;
while (index < array.length) {
chunked_arr.push(array.slice(index, size + index));
index += size;
return chunked_arr;
// Helper: creates a dummy polygon annotation from the given coords
const toAnnotation = coords => ({
"@context": "",
"id": "#a88b22d0-6106-4872-9435-c78b5e89fede",
"type": "Annotation",
"body": [],
"target": {
"selector": [{
"type": "SvgSelector",
"value": `<svg><polygon points='${ => xy.join(',')).join(' ')}'></polygon></svg>`
* Cuts the selected image snippet from the OpenSeadragon CANVAS element.
const getSnippet = (viewer, annotation) => {
// Scale factor for OSD canvas element (physical vs. logical resolution)
const { canvas } = viewer.drawer;
const canvasBounds = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const kx = canvas.width / canvasBounds.width;
const ky = canvas.height / canvasBounds.height;
// Parse fragment selector (image coordinates)
// WARNING: a hack that STRICTLY assumes a box selection
// from Annotorious (will break for polygon selections)
const [ xi, yi, wi, hi ] =
.map(str => parseFloat(str));
// Convert image coordinates (=annotation) to viewport coordinates (=OpenSeadragon canvas)
const topLeft = viewer.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new OpenSeadragon.Point(xi, yi));
const bottomRight = viewer.viewport.imageToViewerElementCoordinates(new OpenSeadragon.Point(xi + wi, yi + hi));
const { x, y } = topLeft;
const w = bottomRight.x - x;
const h = bottomRight.y - y;
// Cut out the image snippet as in-memory canvas element
const snippet = document.createElement('CANVAS');
const ctx = snippet.getContext('2d');
snippet.width = w;
snippet.height = h;
ctx.drawImage(canvas, x * kx, y * ky, w * kx, h * ky, 0, 0, w * kx, h * ky);
// Return snippet canvas + basic properties useful for downstream coord translation
return { snippet, kx, ky, x: xi, y: yi };
* Computer vision magic happens here
const findContourPolygon = canvasInput => {
const src = cv.imread(canvasInput);
const dst = cv.Mat.zeros(src.rows, src.cols, cv.CV_8UC3);
// Convert to grayscale & threshold
cv.cvtColor(src, src, cv.COLOR_RGB2GRAY, 0);
cv.threshold(src, src, 0, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY + cv.THRESH_OTSU);
// Find contours
const contours = new cv.MatVector();
const hierarchy = new cv.Mat();
cv.findContours(src, contours, hierarchy, cv.RETR_CCOMP, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); // CV_RETR_EXTERNAL
// Approximate closed polygons, keep only the largest
let largestAreaPolygon = { area: 0 };
for (let i = 0; i < contours.size(); ++i) {
const polygon = new cv.Mat();
const contour = contours.get(i);
cv.approxPolyDP(contour, polygon, 3, true);
// Compute contour areas
const area = cv.contourArea(polygon);
if (area > largestAreaPolygon.area)
largestAreaPolygon = { area, polygon };
// TODO potential memory leak - we should also delete the other polygons,
// but hey, it's a quick hack
const polygons = new cv.MatVector();
// Uncomment if you want to render the intermediate results to the screen
let color = new cv.Scalar(
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
Math.round(Math.random() * 255),
Math.round(Math.random() * 255));
cv.drawContours(dst, polygons, -1, color, 1, 8, hierarchy, 0);
const mask = document.createElement('CANVAS');
mask.width = canvasInput.width;
mask.height = canvasInput.height;
cv.imshow(mask, src);
const output = document.createElement('CANVAS');
output.width = canvasInput.width;
output.height = canvasInput.height;
cv.imshow(output, dst);
return chunk(largestAreaPolygon.polygon.data32S, 2);
(function() {
// Init OpenSeadragon
const viewer = OpenSeadragon({
id: "openseadragon",
prefixUrl: "/images/",
tileSources: {
type: "image",
// Attribution: Grundriss der Kaiserl. Königl. Haupt und Residenzstadt Wien, Max von Grimm
url: "/ac04382777_grimm_wien_1806.jpg"
// Init Annotorious
const anno = Annotorious(viewer, { widgets: [ 'TAG' ] });
// On selection: cut snippet, find contours, update the annotation
anno.on('createSelection', async function(selection) {
// Extract the image snippet, recording
// - image snippet (as canvas element)
// - x/y coordinate of the snippet top-left (image coordinate space)
// - kx/ky scale factors between canvas element physical and logical dimensions
const { snippet, x, y, kx, ky } = getSnippet(viewer, selection);
// Current image zoom from OSD
const imageZoom = viewer.viewport.viewportToImageZoom(viewer.viewport.getZoom());
// Polygon coordinates, in the snippet element's logical coordinate space
const localCoords = findContourPolygon(snippet);
// Translate to image coordinate space
const coords = => {
const px = x + (xy[0] / kx) / imageZoom;
const py = y + (xy[1] / ky) / imageZoom;
return [ px, py ];
// Turn coords to W3C WebAnnotation
const annotation = toAnnotation(coords);
// Add the new annotation in Annotorious and select
// it (replacing the current user selection)
setTimeout(function() {
anno.setAnnotations([ annotation ]);
}, 10);
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