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afontenot / bbul.user.js
Last active November 21, 2024 21:15
User script to show Fediverse links for bridged users on their Bluesky profiles
// ==UserScript==
// @name Bluesky Bridged User Labeler
// @match*
// @version 1.5
// ==/UserScript==
// Link to your Fediverse instance (use "{handle}" as a template)
const FEDI_URL = "{handle}";
// Globals
afontenot / mastodon-replace-emoji.css
Created December 8, 2022 08:52
A CSS snippet to replace the hardcoded Twitter emoji on Mastodon with the local font
* Obviously, for this to work, you will need to have an emoji font installed
* locally. You will need to block e.g. in
* your ad blocker of choice. I suggest uBlock for this.
* This uBlock filter will work around uBlock's "hide placeholders" option:
* ||*$empty
* Furthermore to load the background image, you'll need to upload it to your
afontenot / election_night_live_model.R
Created October 31, 2020 22:25 — forked from elliottmorris/election_night_live_model.R
A live election-night prediction model using The Economist's pre-election forecast
#' Description
#' This file runs a live election-night forecast based on The Economist's pre-election forecasting model
#' available at
#' It is resampling model based on
#' This script does not input any real election results! You will have to enter your picks/constraints manually (scroll to the bottom of the script).
#' Licence
#' This software is published by *[The Economist](* under the [MIT licence]( The data generated by *The Economist* are available under the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](
#' The licences include only the data and the software authored by *The Economist*, and do not cover any *Economist* content or third-party data or content made available using the software. More information about licensing, syndication and the copyright of *Economist* content can be fou
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Github redesign fixes
@version 1.5.5
@description Fixes various issues with Github's redesign
@author afontenot/LunarTwilight
@preprocessor less
@var color background "Readme header background color" #f1f8ff
@var color border "Readme header border color" #e6e4e4
@var text padding "Amount of padding used on the header" 18vw
afontenot /
Created March 31, 2020 01:30
snippet reproducing a bug in shapely's polylabel function
import as ccrs
import as shpreader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.ops import polylabel
states_shp = shpreader.natural_earth(