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Andrew Kingdom akingdom

  • Australia
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akingdom /
Last active August 8, 2024 06:58
Six Principles for Creating a Programmable System

Six Principles for Creating a Programmable System

By Andrew Kingdom

  1. User-Centric Design: The system should be designed with a core intent of assisting users to leverage their existing knowledge and experiences. This means the system should be intuitive and familiar, allowing users to apply what they already know to interact with and navigate the system effectively. Using familiar metaphors is one way to do this.

  2. Multi-Sensory Interactivity: Users should be able to create interactive elements that can be interacted with not only visually (e.g., through touch or gesture on a screen), but also through other senses. For example, users could create elements that respond to voice commands (auditory) or provide haptic feedback (tactile). This multi-sensory interactivity can enhance the user experience and make the system more accessible to a wider range of users.

  3. Inclusive Language and Symbolic Representations: The system should offer multiple modalities for instructions, including spoken

akingdom /
Last active August 24, 2024 14:53
A general discussion on programming, including my comments to students.

Source Control - what is it

Term Definition
Source A written recipe (programming code) and ingredients (data resources) from which an app is built.
Version Source Control A way to keep track of all the changes you make and easily go back to any previous version if you make a mistake.
Git A version source control system that distributes a full copy to each developer. Originally created to manage the Linux project.
GitHub One commercial provider of a Git service. Backed by Microsoft.
Repository Storage for all the different versions of your project's files.