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Created November 3, 2014 12:17
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Updated from c302. Updated to read from NeuronConnect.xls (OpenWorm)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from NeuroMLUtilities import ConnectionInfo
from xlrd import open_workbook
# A simple script to read the values in CElegansNeuronTables.xls.
def readDataFromSpreadsheet(dir="../../", include_nonconnected_cells=False, neuron_connect=False):
# reading the NeuronConnect.xls file if neuron_connect = True
if neuron_connect:
conns = []
cells = []
filename = dir+"NeuronConnect.xlsx"
rb = open_workbook(filename)
print "Opened Excel file: " + filename
for row in range(1,rb.sheet_by_index(0).nrows):
pre = str(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,0).value)
post = str(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,1).value)
syntype = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,2).value
num = int(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,3).value)
synclass = 'Generic_GJ' if 'EJ' in syntype else 'Chemical_Synapse'
conns.append(ConnectionInfo(pre, post, num, syntype, synclass))
if pre not in cells:
if post not in cells:
return cells, conns
conns = []
cells = []
filename = dir+"CElegansNeuronTables.xls"
rb = open_workbook(filename)
print "Opened Excel file: " + filename
known_nonconnected_cells = ['CANL', 'CANR', 'VC6']
for row in range(1,rb.sheet_by_index(0).nrows):
pre = str(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,0).value)
post = str(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,1).value)
syntype = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,2).value
num = int(rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,3).value)
synclass = rb.sheet_by_index(0).cell(row,4).value
conns.append(ConnectionInfo(pre, post, num, syntype, synclass))
if pre not in cells:
if post not in cells:
if include_nonconnected_cells:
for c in known_nonconnected_cells: cells.append(c)
return cells, conns
def main():
cells, conns = readDataFromSpreadsheet()
print("%i cells in spreadsheet: %s"%(len(cells),sorted(cells)))
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile
cell_names = [ f[:-9] for f in listdir('../morphologies/') if f.endswith('.java.xml')]
cell_names.remove('MDL08') # muscle
print("%i cell morphologies found: %s"%(len(cell_names),sorted(cell_names)))
for c in cells: cell_names.remove(c)
print("Difference: %s"%cell_names)
cells2, conns2 = readDataFromSpreadsheet(include_nonconnected_cells=True)
assert(len(cells2) == 302)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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