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Created November 3, 2014 11:40
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In c302 ( reads each connection in excel file, generates .nml file for the pair of neurons and tests if the connection exists as stated in the excel file. (OpenWorm)
import os
import sys
import SpreadsheetDataReader
from c302 import generate
import parameters_A as params
import neuroml.loaders as loaders
import unittest
class DataIntegrityTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
# read data from spread sheet
self.cell_names, self.conns = SpreadsheetDataReader.readDataFromSpreadsheet(
print len(self.cell_names)
# generate all nml files once
self.checked_files = []
counter = 0
# self.specify_early_stop = 4 # early stopping
# early_stop = self.specify_early_stop # early stopping
for index in self.conns:
# if early_stop == 0: # early stopping
# break # and this
origin = index.pre_cell
target = index.post_cell
fn = origin+"_"+target
fnswap = target+"_"+origin
if fn not in self.checked_files:
if fnswap not in self.checked_files:
# generate xml and nml file
cells_to_plot = "["+origin+","+target+"]"
cells_to_stimulate = "["+origin+"]"
generate(fn, params, cells=cells_to_plot, cells_to_stimulate=cells_to_stimulate, duration=500)
# bashCommand = 'python '+fn+' parameters_A -cells '+cells_to_plot+' -cellstostimulate '+cells_to_stimulate+' -duration 500'
# os.system(bashCommand)
counter += 1
# early_stop -= 1 # early stopping
print "Total files generated %i"%counter
def test_c302_connections(self):
# test each connection pair from the excel file
# early_stop = self.specify_early_stop # early stopping
counter = 0
for index in self.conns:
# if early_stop == 0: # early stopping
# break # and this
origin = index.pre_cell
target = index.post_cell
num = index.number
synclass = index.synclass
fn = origin+"_"+target
fnswap = target+"_"+origin
test_id = 'NC_'+origin+'_'+target+'_'+synclass
if '_GJ' in synclass:
test_synapse = 'elec_syn_'+str(num)+'conns'
elif 'GABA' in synclass:
test_synapse = 'inh_syn_'+str(num)+'conns'
test_synapse = 'exc_syn_'+str(num)+'conns'
if fn in self.checked_files:
nml_file = fn+'.nml'
elif fnswap in self.checked_files:
nml_file = fnswap+'.nml'
print "File not found"
doc = loaders.NeuroMLLoader.load(nml_file)
print("Loaded NML file from: "+nml_file)
conn_list = doc.networks[0].projections
# test if any connections exist
self.assertNotEqual(conn_list, [], 'Connection list is empty for %s'+nml_file)
test_list = []
test_list = [(, connection.synapse) for connection in conn_list]
print test_list
# test if this particular connection exists
test_pair = (test_id, test_synapse)
print test_pair
self.assertIn(test_pair, test_list, "connection not found")
counter += 1
# early_stop -= 1 # early stopping
print "Total connections verified %i"%counter
def tearDown(self):
print "Cleaning up .. "
for name in self.checked_files:
bashCommand = "rm "+name+".nml "+"LEMS_"+name+".xml"
if __name__ == '__main__':
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