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Save aliou/4448630 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Manifest.mbdb parsing for iOS 5+.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# From
import sys
import hashlib
mbdx = {}
def getint(data, offset, intsize):
"""Retrieve an integer (big-endian) and new offset from the current offset"""
value = 0
while intsize > 0:
value = (value<<8) + ord(data[offset])
offset = offset + 1
intsize = intsize - 1
return value, offset
def getstring(data, offset):
"""Retrieve a string and new offset from the current offset into the data"""
if data[offset] == chr(0xFF) and data[offset+1] == chr(0xFF):
return '', offset+2 # Blank string
length, offset = getint(data, offset, 2) # 2-byte length
value = data[offset:offset+length]
return value, (offset + length)
def process_mbdb_file(filename):
mbdb = {} # Map offset of info in this file => file info
data = open(filename).read()
if data[0:4] != "mbdb": raise Exception("This does not look like an MBDB file")
offset = 4
offset = offset + 2 # value x05 x00, not sure what this is
while offset < len(data):
fileinfo = {}
fileinfo['start_offset'] = offset
fileinfo['domain'], offset = getstring(data, offset)
fileinfo['filename'], offset = getstring(data, offset)
fileinfo['linktarget'], offset = getstring(data, offset)
fileinfo['datahash'], offset = getstring(data, offset)
fileinfo['unknown1'], offset = getstring(data, offset)
fileinfo['mode'], offset = getint(data, offset, 2)
fileinfo['unknown2'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['unknown3'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['userid'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['groupid'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['mtime'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['atime'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['ctime'], offset = getint(data, offset, 4)
fileinfo['filelen'], offset = getint(data, offset, 8)
fileinfo['flag'], offset = getint(data, offset, 1)
fileinfo['numprops'], offset = getint(data, offset, 1)
fileinfo['properties'] = {}
for ii in range(fileinfo['numprops']):
propname, offset = getstring(data, offset)
propval, offset = getstring(data, offset)
fileinfo['properties'][propname] = propval
mbdb[fileinfo['start_offset']] = fileinfo
fullpath = fileinfo['domain'] + '-' + fileinfo['filename']
id = hashlib.sha1(fullpath)
mbdx[fileinfo['start_offset']] = id.hexdigest()
return mbdb
def modestr(val):
def mode(val):
if (val & 0x4): r = 'r'
else: r = '-'
if (val & 0x2): w = 'w'
else: w = '-'
if (val & 0x1): x = 'x'
else: x = '-'
return r+w+x
return mode(val>>6) + mode((val>>3)) + mode(val)
def fileinfo_str(f, verbose=False):
# if not verbose: return "(%s)%s::%s" % (f['fileID'], f['domain'], f['filename'])
if not verbose: return "%s => %s (%s)" % (f['fileID'], f['filename'], f['domain'])
if (f['mode'] & 0xE000) == 0xA000: type = 'l' # symlink
elif (f['mode'] & 0xE000) == 0x8000: type = '-' # file
elif (f['mode'] & 0xE000) == 0x4000: type = 'd' # dir
print >> sys.stderr, "Unknown file type %04x for %s" % (f['mode'], fileinfo_str(f, False))
type = '?' # unknown
info = ("%s%s %08x %08x %7d %10d %10d %10d (%s)%s::%s" %
(type, modestr(f['mode']&0x0FFF) , f['userid'], f['groupid'], f['filelen'],
f['mtime'], f['atime'], f['ctime'], f['fileID'], f['domain'], f['filename']))
if type == 'l': info = info + ' -> ' + f['linktarget'] # symlink destination
for name, value in f['properties'].items(): # extra properties
info = info + ' ' + name + '=' + repr(value)
return info
verbose = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
mbdb = process_mbdb_file("Manifest.mbdb")
for offset, fileinfo in mbdb.items():
if offset in mbdx:
fileinfo['fileID'] = mbdx[offset]
fileinfo['fileID'] = "<nofileID>"
print >> sys.stderr, "No fileID found for %s" % fileinfo_str(fileinfo)
print fileinfo_str(fileinfo)
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ekuester commented Jun 9, 2017

The functionality of the script does not depend on the iOS version, but on the version of iTunes, which made the backup. From version 12.5 on Apple is using a new concept with Manifest.db instead of Manifest.mbdb ... see my Swift adaptions at List-MBDB-from-IOS-Backup and List-ManifestDB-From-iOSBackup plus the C++ version GTK-List-ManifestDB-From-iOSBackup .
Regards, Erich Küster

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