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Thomas Parslow almost

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jevakallio /
Last active July 7, 2021 19:57
#ReactiveConf 2017 Lightning Talk Submission: JavaScript Slam Poetry

TL;DR: If you want to see me perform a spoken word poem about JavaScript in front of 1000 people (and on video), please ⭐ star this gist. If you're on mobile, you'll need to request desktop site.

JavaScript Slam Poetry

Javascript! Slam! Poetry!

almost /
Last active September 12, 2019 09:07
Reactive 2015 Lightning Talk Proposal: Pyramids be gone!: ES7 Async Function

This is a proposal for a lightning talk at the Reactive 2015 conference.

NOTE: If you like this, star ⭐ the Gist - the amount of stars decides whether it makes the cut! You could also Retweet if you want :)

Pyramids be gone!

ES7 Async Functions

JavaScript is getting async functions (or already has them if you count Babel.JS) and with them a way to finally slay the evil pyramid. This new language feature lets you write asynchronous code that almost looks synchronous, while maintaining the same semantics as promises. This lets you shed your .then and .catch boilerplate and escape those nested callbacks in favour of clean, explicit, maintainable code.

ohanhi /
Last active May 6, 2024 05:21
The Joy of Composition - Why stateless rendering is pure bliss

This is a proposal for a lightning talk at the Reactive 2015 conference.

NOTE: If you like this, star ⭐ the Gist - the amount of stars decides whether it makes the cut!

The Joy of Composition

Why stateless rendering is pure bliss

React just got stateless components, meaning that they are in essence pure functions for rendering. Pure functions make it dead simple - even fun - to refactor your views

ViktorStiskala / gist:3479130
Created August 26, 2012 13:15
Amazon Glacier tree hash calculation
import math
import hashlib
def bytes_to_hex(str):
return ''.join( [ "%02x" % ord( x ) for x in str] ).strip()
def chunk_hashes(str):
Break up the byte-string into 1MB chunks and return sha256 hashes
for each.
almost /
Created August 21, 2012 17:59
Amazon Glacier from Python. There's now a branch for this, see here:
# Thomas Parslow
# Just a work in progress and adapted to what I need right now.
# It does uploads (via a file-like object that you write to) and
# I've started on downloads. Needs the development version of Boto from Github.
# Example:
# glacierconn = GlacierConnection(AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)
# writer = GlacierWriter(glacierconn, GLACIER_VAULT)
# writer.write(somedata)