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Last active March 22, 2022 21:47
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Routh's tabulation
function R = myRouth(b)
% Examples:
% 1. P = s^4 + 10*s^3 + 35*s^2 + 50*s + 24 ;
% R = myRouth( [1 10 35 50 24] )
% 2. syms a b c d s , P = s^4 + a*s^3 + b*s^2 + c*s + d ;
% R = myRouth( [1 a b c d] )
% 3. syms K , P = s^2 + (12-3*K)*s + 20+0.25*K ;
% R = myRouth( [1 12-3*K 20+0.25*K] )
% Ismail Ilker Delice
% [email protected]
% Modified by: Pantelis Sopasakis on 20 April, 2019.
% web:
% twitter: @isToxic
% Changes:
% - determination of the degree of the given polynomial
% - epsilon-relaxation
% Original file:
% Ismail Delice (2022). Routh-Hurwitz stability table for continuous systems
% (
% 18447-routh-hurwitz-stability-table-for-continuous-systems),
% MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved 20 April, 2019.
%% Polynomial coefficients as input
if(nargin<1), warning('No Input Argument') ; return
%% Flip vector in left/right direction and find order of polynomial
b = b(find(b~=0,1):end);
b = fliplr(b) ;
ord = size(b,2)-1 ;
% It gives the index number of R11's row
% ord = 6,7 --> rou_i = 7
rou_i = fix( fix(ord/2)*2 ) + 1 ;
rou_j = ceil((ord+1)/2) ; % Round infinity
%% If order is even add one zero as a last element of matrix
Ri = [ b(ord+1:-2:1) ;
b(ord:-2:1) zeros( fix(( rou_i-1 )/ord) ) ] ;
R = sym( zeros(ord+1,rou_j) );
R(ord+1:-1:ord, : ) = Ri ;
%% All R's for Routh-Hurwitz [Main Algorithm]
syms epsilon real
for n = ord-1:-1:2
for j = 1:round(n/2)
if R(n+1)==0, R(n+1) = epsilon; end
R(n,j) = ( R(n+1,1)*R(n+2,j+1)-R(n+1,j+1)*R(n+2,1) )/R(n+1) ;
R(1,1) = R(rou_i,rou_j) ;
%% Simplify and Flip matrix in up/down direction.
R = limit(R, epsilon, 0, 'right');
R = simplify(R) ; R = flipud(R) ;
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