% animation params |
periods = 2; % how many full-period rotations to do |
num_steps = 150 * periods; % number of animation steps per period |
% circles |
freq = [1 3 5 7]; % frequency of each sine function (rotation speed) |
r = 4./(freq*pi); % radii of circles (amplitude of sines) |
K = numel(freq); % number of circles |
R = max(r); % maximum radius |
bounds = ceil(sum(r)); % offset the circles to left of origin |
% circles points (co-centric) |
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50).'; % NPTS=50 |
x = bsxfun(@times, r, cos(t)); |
y = bsxfun(@times, r, sin(t)); |
% add center (so that the radius line is drawn) |
x = x([1 1:end],:); x(1,:) = 0; |
y = y([1 1:end],:); y(1,:) = 0; |
% circle points in homogeneous form (one slice per circle) |
% (size = 4 x NUMPTS x K) |
pts = cat(2, reshape(x,[],1,K), reshape(y,[],1,K)); |
pts(:,3,:) = 0; % z=0 |
pts(:,4,:) = 1; % w=1 |
pts = permute(pts, [2 1 3]); % transpose |
% PLOT: open wide figure |
pos = get(groot, 'DefaultFigurePosition'); |
hFig = figure('Position',pos .* [1 1 1.5 0.9]); |
movegui(hFig, 'center') |
% PLOT: circles with radius lines (initially untransformed and all centered |
% on origin), then translate circles to the left |
hCircles = line(x, y, 'LineWidth',2); |
hTr = hgtransform('Matrix',makehgtform('translate',[-bounds 0 0])); |
set(hCircles, 'Parent',hTr) |
line([0 0], [-bounds bounds], 'Color','k') % plot y=0 axis |
grid on, box on |
axis equal |
axis([-2*bounds ceil(2*pi*periods) -bounds bounds]) |
xlabel('Angle \theta') |
ax = gca; |
ax.XTick = ax.XTick(ax.XTick >= 0); % start x-ticks at zero |
% PLOT: trace path from smallest circle |
hPath = animatedline('Color',hCircles(end).Color, 'LineStyle','-', ... |
'MaximumNumPoints',ceil(num_steps/periods)+1, 'Parent',hTr); |
% PLOT: connecting line between trace and curve |
hLine = line(nan, nan, 'Color',[0.5 0.5 0.5], ... |
'LineStyle','-', 'Marker','.', 'MarkerSize',10); |
% PLOT: resulting Fourier series (sum of harmonics) |
xx = linspace(0, 2*pi*periods, num_steps); % X-periods in N-steps |
yy = nan(size(xx)); |
hCurve = line(xx, yy, 'Color','m'); |
labels = cellstr(strcat('4sin(', num2str(freq(:)), '\theta)/', num2str(freq(:)), '\pi')); |
legend(hCurve, strjoin(labels,' + '), ... |
'Orientation','Horizontal', 'Location','SouthOutside') |
% GIF |
%{ |
% gifsicle --colors 256 --careful --delay=5 --optimize --crop 90,30+675x300 -o out2_.gif out2.gif |
[im,map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe(hFig)), 256); |
imwrite(im, map, 'out2.gif', 'gif', 'DelayTime',0.1, 'LoopCount',Inf); |
%} |
% animation |
theta = zeros(1,K); % current rotation angles for each circle (in radians) |
step = (2*pi*periods).*freq/num_steps; % step sizes for each circle |
for i=1:num_steps+1 |
% break if figure is closed |
if ~isgraphics(hFig), break; end |
% compute and store transformation matrices (translations and rotations) |
tt = [theta(1) diff(theta)]; |
Tx = cell(1,K); |
Rz = cell(1,K); |
for k=1:K |
Tx{k} = makehgtform('translate',[r(k) 0 0]); |
Rz{k} = makehgtform('zrotate',tt(k)); |
end |
% for each circle |
for k=1:K |
% chain of transformations |
T = Rz{1}; |
for j=1:k-1 |
T = T * Tx{j} * Rz{j+1}; |
end |
% apply combined transform on k-th circle |
pt = T * pts(:,:,k); |
pt = pt(1:2,:); % extract x/y coords from homogeneous form |
% update k-th circle |
set(hCircles(k), 'XData',pt(1,:), 'YData',pt(2,:)) |
end |
% update trace line |
pt = pt(:,2); % take first point from last circle (skipping the center) |
addpoints(hPath, pt(1), pt(2)) |
% update curve line |
yy = [pt(2) yy(1:end-1)]; % prepend point, and rollover |
set(hCurve, 'YData',yy) % or fliplr(yy) |
% update connecting horizontal line |
set(hLine, 'XData',[pt(1)-bounds; 0], 'YData',[pt(2); pt(2)]) |
% refresh plot |
pause(0.02) % drawnow |
% GIF |
%{ |
[im,map] = rgb2ind(frame2im(getframe(hFig)), 256); |
imwrite(im, map, 'out2.gif', 'gif', 'DelayTime',0.1, 'WriteMode','append'); |
%} |
% increment angles |
theta = theta + step; |
end |
any reason I'd be getting the following error:
Attempt to reference field of non-structure array.
Error in animation1 (line 34)
ax.XTick = ax.XTick(ax.XTick >= 0); % start x-ticks at zero