Create a new directory for your article.
mkdir my-article
cd my-article
"""The database interface. | |
Please see schema.sql for the schema of the tables. | |
""" | |
from pathlib import Path | |
import sqlite3 | |
import sys | |
from . import config | |
def query(q, parameters=[]): |
import Square (square); | |
module body Main is | |
function main(): ExitCode is | |
let n: Int32 := 5; | |
let n2:Int32 := square(n); | |
printLn(n2); | |
return ExitSuccess(); |
from kutty import Page, Table, Code, html | |
from _demo import Demo | |
page = Page("Bootstrap") | |
page << html.p(""" | |
bootstrap experiments. | |
""") |
from functools import reduce | |
LEN = lambda items: reduce(lambda n, _: n + 1, items, 0) | |
REVERSE = lambda items: reduce(lambda rev, item: [item, *rev], items, []) | |
MAP = lambda func, items: reduce(lambda result, item: [*result, func(item)], items, []) | |
FILTER = lambda func, items: reduce(lambda result, item: [*result, item] if func(item) else result, items, []) | |
APPEND = lambda items, value: reduce(lambda result, item: [*result, item], [value], items) |
create table station ( | |
code text primary key, | |
name text, | |
zone text, | |
state text, | |
address text, | |
latitude real, | |
longitude real | |
); |
The resource for this talk will be updated here soon.
def test_sendmail(monkeypatch): | |
emails = [] | |
def mock_sendmail(self, from_addr, to_addrs, msg, mail_options=(), rcpt_options=()): | |
emails.append(dict(from_addr=from_addr, to_addrs=to_addrs, msg=msg)) | |
monkeypatch.setattr(smtplib.SMTP, "sendmail", mock_sendmail) | |
frappe.sendmail( |