Stuff to install or setup on top of default ubuntu installation
Remove libre office. Add ..
- Update Manager
- System Monitor
- Terminal
tree zsh tilix gimp scribus inkscape neovim curl build-essential keepassx storebackup smplayer lilypond quodlibet scantailor lm-sensors acl
terminal emulators:
- tilix
- terminator
acl - Access control lists
- gnotravex hex-a-hop gnotski supertuxkart gtans gnect
- puzzle-moppet
- babaschess
- pychess numptyphysics lightsoff bovo pioneers smc palapeli pathological
- circular-chaos
- configure wifi
- firefox:
- login and sync
- Disable WebRTC to prevent ip address leaks (details below):
set tofalse
- LVM data mountpoints
- File manager bookmarks for lvm mountpoints
- storebackup ??
- grub theme burg -- how to
- nautilus - Favourites (/tmp, /mnt/backup2tb)
- keepassx : security - lock database after __ seconds of inactivity (300 seconds?)
- transmission blocklist level1
- Music database -- set directories in Quod Libet
- edit /etc/fstab. Ensure all the drive/partition has
/dev/sda1 /mnt/music ext4 defaults,errors=remount-ro,acl 1 2
- unmount to activate acl.
mount -o remount,acl /mnt/music
- create a new user group.
addgroup kutties
- add users to the group.
gpasswd -a ragu kutties
andgpasswd -a ananth kutties
- add permissions to the group for the existing stuff.
setfacl -Rm g:kutties:rwX /mnt/music
- add permissions to the group for the new files in future.
setfacl -d -Rm g:kutties:rwX /mnt/music
sudo apt-get install m17n-db m17n-contrib ibus-m17n
choose ibus as the input method in 'System > Language Support'
in order to have this automatically started on start up im-switch -s ibus
Details here
- Configure music library paths in Quod libet
- Paned Browser settings: set to Custom and add one by one
- ~format
- genre
- album
- ~people
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --global "Your Name"
- mattn/gist-vim -- helps to use vim for working with github gists
- unimpaired -- adds easy way to add blank line without going into insert mode
- fugitive -- do git within vim
Update gvim startup settings with
# ~/.vimrc
colorscheme kellys or colorscheme desert
set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 12
Following was required to be added for ~/.bashrc since gvim took time to start
function gvim() { (/usr/bin/gvim -f "$@" &) }
rvm installation --
install -- rvm requirements
vim for ruby --
sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core openssl libreadline6 libreadline6-dev curl git-core zlib1g zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt-dev autoconf libc6-dev ncurses-dev automake libtool bison subversion pkg-config exuberant-ctags ack
bash -s stable < <(curl -s
echo '[[ -s "/home/andre/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/home/andre/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
type rvm | head -1
rvm pkg install openssl
rvm install 1.9.3 --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr
rvm use 1.9.3 --default
rmdir $rvm_path/usr/ssl/certs
ln -s /etc/ssl/certs $rvm_path/usr/ssl
curl -Lo- | bash
gem install newgem
reference -
rvm requirements # and install the prerequisites for jruby
rvm install jruby --1.9
projectm -- sudo apt-get install projectm-pulseaudio
recording visualizations -- and
glc --
Installing from debian -- add wheezy main
(don't forget to remove after installating)
This one is from latex collection. Used in no-nonsense-calendars.
e2fsck -c /dev/fill-me
invokes badblocks
internally. badblocks
manual recommends this method rather than using badblocks command separately and feeding it to e2fsck -- CAUTION! block size.
Note: ubuntu checks file systems periodically, but doesn't check for badblocks probably.
For /home, reboot in recovery mode and run e2fsck
Settings, Printer, make & model -> change Choose the same Manufacturer, Same model, but try a different foomatic driver shown in the list.
Anu, We need to add this