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Andrew Del Prete andrewdelprete

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tlakomy / jQuery>React.markdown
Last active August 17, 2022 12:08
Let's not forget about jQuery

In this talk I'd like to use 5 minutes of my time to explain to the audience why jQuery is simply way better than React.

  • Does React have a fadeIn() method? Nah, I don't think so. You need to install a react-transition-group package which weighs over 3GB.
  • Can you do $.get( in React? NOPE.
  • Remember React 3.3.1? Me neither, because they didn't make it. Meanwhile in jQuery land:
  • Can you learn jQuery for free? Sure! Can you learn React for free? It'll be $500 USD and your left kidney for a conference ticket.

And many, many more.

(This is a completely serious lightning talk proposal, I promise.)

ericelliott /
Last active February 20, 2025 13:00
Essential JavaScript Links
ericelliott /
Last active February 2, 2023 23:33
A Guide to Functional Programming Lingo for JavaScripters

A Guide to Functional Programming Lingo for JavaScripters

Functional programming gets a bad wrap about being too hard for mere mortals to comprehend. This is nonsense. The concepts are actually quite simple to grasp.

The jargon is the hardest part. A lot of that vocabulary comes from a specialized field of mathematical study called category theory (with a liberal sprinkling of type theory and abstract algebra). This sounds a lot scarier than it is. You can do this!

All examples using ES6 syntax. wrap (foo) => bar means:

function wrap (foo) {
denji /
Last active February 11, 2025 10:01 — forked from istepanov/gist:3950977
Remove/Backup – settings & cli for macOS (OS X) – DataGrip, AppCode, CLion, Gogland, IntelliJ, PhpStorm, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, WebStorm
mariojunior / gist:6175849
Created August 7, 2013 16:47
AngularJS Learned Lessons #2: Enabling HTTP Credentials (needed by Session IDs)
//On config definition...
function ($routeProvider, $httpProvider) {
$httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
//If you don't set the line above, all $http will dispatch request without session_id to backend
//and the backend will not reconize the user session, giving your a big head pain! Believe on me.
//Question & Answer: