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andzil andzi

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andzi /
Created January 11, 2020 04:31 — forked from mminer/
A script to save URLs to Pocket (read it later service).
#!/usr/bin/env python
Saves URL(s) to a user's Pocket queue.
It accepts either command line arguments or a URL from the OS X clipboard.
For information about Pocket see
import optparse
import subprocess
andzi /
Created January 4, 2020 02:35 — forked from jpallari/
Writing tech articles

Writing tech articles

This is a description of how I write tech articles for various blogs. Hopefully someone else will find this useful as well.

Create a Gist for the article

When I begin writing a new article, I create a new [GitHub Gist][gist] for the article files. The Gist contains a file for the article text and code examples related to the article.

andzi /
Created January 3, 2020 01:51 — forked from jasonrdsouza/
Export archived article data from Pocket
'''This script can be used to export data from Pocket (
Uses include migrating to a different "read it later" service, saving
specific articles to another service, backing up your reading history,
and more.
Currently it can be used to export links and metadata for archived
articles with a given tag, which are more recent than a given timestamp.
An example use case is to export all articles you have tagged as
"to-export", which are newer than 10 days old. The timestamp functionality
andzi / medium_top_1000_tags.csv
Created March 24, 2019 18:46 — forked from baditaflorin/medium_top_1000_tags.csv
This is based on a scrapping project that i did, where i downloaded the list with all of the posts from
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 9 should actually have 7 columns, instead of 4 in line 8.
"Startup","134323","2.71552486545965","13.9311510314689219","1.7488739828622053","61152","2016-04-14 18:21:12.174416+03"
"Life","104197","1.78386182016248","9.0952714569517357","0.96809888960334750521","50767","2016-05-15 04:42:14.355121+03"
"Politics","99301","3.14315696061383","7.8097400831814383","1.2824543559480771","44825","2016-06-28 05:55:29.552608+03"
"Entrepreneurship","94911","2.79053337648529","14.2673241247063038","1.5481977852935908","43454","2016-04-19 22:28:35.956523+03"
"Life Lessons","94414","2.40382926434131","13.9626114771114453","1.1250450145105599","45045","2016-06-02 19:01:39.876276+03"
"Travel","80332","2.97209768940031","3.3994672110740427","4.3289224717422696","35644","2016-04-19 07:09:28.578+03"
"Design","75555","2.80802184122601","24.1416848653298921","3.5368142412811859","36471","2016-04-08 01:06:35.247556+03"
andzi / huawei-fw-list.txt
Created January 18, 2019 20:40 — forked from ValdikSS/huawei-fw-list.txt
Huawei firmware files found on update server
This is not appropriate place for discussions. Keep this list FW-only.
I do NOT have any firmware files apart from published here or on 4pda. Please do not contact me for firmware files requests.
This is a list of files found on Huawei update server by brute-forcing URL parameters.
Some firmware files have changelogs. Just change file name to "changelog.xml" in the end of the URL.
andzi / Illustrator-layers-artboards--MultiExporter.jsx
Last active July 16, 2018 11:29 — forked from TomByrne/MultiExporter.jsx
An Illustrator script for exporting layers and/or artboards into separate files (PNG8 / PNG24 / EPS / PDF / SVG / JPG / FXG).See
// MultiExporter.jsx
// Version 0.1
// Version 0.2 Adds PNG and EPS exports
// Version 0.3 Adds support for exporting at different resolutions
// Version 0.4 Adds support for SVG, changed EPS behaviour to minimise output filesize
// Version 0.5 Fixed cropping issues
// Version 0.6 Added inner padding mode to prevent circular bounds clipping
// Copyright 2013 Tom Byrne
// Comments or suggestions to [email protected]
andzi / xpath-example.ps1
Created June 24, 2018 22:05 — forked from jpoehls/xpath-example.ps1
Use XPath to update XML using PowerShell
function Edit-XmlNodes {
param (
[xml] $doc = $(throw "doc is a required parameter"),
[string] $xpath = $(throw "xpath is a required parameter"),
[string] $value = $(throw "value is a required parameter"),
[bool] $condition = $true
if ($condition -eq $true) {
$nodes = $doc.SelectNodes($xpath)
andzi / gist:ecb7e4ca0f2f49d61bd49f13eff02db0
Created August 5, 2017 01:57 — forked from mhawksey/gist:1442370
Google Apps Script to read JSON and write to sheet
function getJSON(aUrl,sheetname) {
//var sheetname = "test";
//var aUrl = "";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(aUrl); // get feed
var dataAll = JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); //
var data = dataAll.value.items;
for (i in data){
data[i].pubDate = new Date(data[i].pubDate);
data[i].start = data[i].pubDate;
andzi /
Last active August 3, 2017 22:59 — forked from PurpleBooth/
A template to make good

Build Status Code Climate

Note: This project is under development. It is not yet ready for production use.

Project Title

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

andzi /
Created July 26, 2017 14:06 — forked from kshwetabh/
Reminder script for GMail: A simple Google Apps Script to create a Google Calendar event (reminder) for any mail (with a specific label). You can then setup ("timed") triggers in Apps Script... (public version of the GMailReminder gist)
* Reminder script for GMail: A simple Google Apps Script to create a Google Calendar event (reminder) for any mail (with a
* specific label). You can then setup ("timed") triggers in Apps Script (hourly, etc) to monitor your Inbox.
* How to Use:
* 1. Log into Google Drive account and create a Google Script.
* 2. Copy and paste the below snippet into the gs file.
* 3. Make sure to update the 'reminderLabel', 'calendarName' and 'reminderDuration' as per your preference.
* 4. Test the script to make sure it is working properly.
* 5. Setup a time-driven Project Trigger (hourly, etc) to automatically run this script and create calendar events.