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andzil andzi

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ernestkamara / AdbCommands
Created June 26, 2018 08:42 — forked from Pulimet/AdbCommands
Adb useful commands list
== Adb Server
adb kill-server
adb start-server
== Adb Reboot
adb reboot
adb reboot recovery
adb reboot-bootloader
== Shell
ValdikSS / huawei-fw-list.txt
Last active March 6, 2025 03:51
Huawei firmware files found on update server
This is not appropriate place for discussions. Keep this list FW-only.
I do NOT have any firmware files apart from published here or on 4pda. Please do not contact me for firmware files requests.
This is a list of files found on Huawei update server by brute-forcing URL parameters.
Some firmware files have changelogs. Just change file name to "changelog.xml" in the end of the URL.
Pulimet / AdbCommands
Last active March 16, 2025 02:42
Adb useful commands list
Hi All!
I've recently launched a tool that wraps many of the commands here with a user interface. This desktop application is currently available for macOS. There's a roadmap outlining planned features for the near future.
Feel free to request any features you'd like to see, and I'll prioritize them accordingly.
One of the most important aspects of this application is that every command executed behind the scenes is displayed in a special log section. This allows you to see exactly what’s happening and learn from it.
Here's the link to the repository:
App Description:
ADBugger is a desktop tool designed for debugging and QA of Android devices and emulators. It simplifies testing, debugging, and performance analysis by offering device management, automated testing, log analysis, and remote control capabilities. This ensures smooth app performance across various setups.
baditaflorin / medium_top_1000_tags.csv
Created June 4, 2017 11:14
This is based on a scrapping project that i did, where i downloaded the list with all of the posts from
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 9 should actually have 7 columns, instead of 4 in line 8.
"Startup","134323","2.71552486545965","13.9311510314689219","1.7488739828622053","61152","2016-04-14 18:21:12.174416+03"
"Life","104197","1.78386182016248","9.0952714569517357","0.96809888960334750521","50767","2016-05-15 04:42:14.355121+03"
"Politics","99301","3.14315696061383","7.8097400831814383","1.2824543559480771","44825","2016-06-28 05:55:29.552608+03"
"Entrepreneurship","94911","2.79053337648529","14.2673241247063038","1.5481977852935908","43454","2016-04-19 22:28:35.956523+03"
"Life Lessons","94414","2.40382926434131","13.9626114771114453","1.1250450145105599","45045","2016-06-02 19:01:39.876276+03"
"Travel","80332","2.97209768940031","3.3994672110740427","4.3289224717422696","35644","2016-04-19 07:09:28.578+03"
"Design","75555","2.80802184122601","24.1416848653298921","3.5368142412811859","36471","2016-04-08 01:06:35.247556+03"
milolav /
Last active July 23, 2023 12:58
Making WhatsApp desktop application portable

Portable desktop WhatsApp

You start multiple instances of WhatsApp using --user-data-dir flag providing the full path to the directory. For example:

E:\Temp\Whatsapp>WhatsApp.exe --user-data-dir=E:\Temp\Whatsapp\number1

or by creating a shortcut with the flag.

r-a-y /
Last active October 29, 2024 20:39
Using Git for Windows (PortableGit) with a portable HOME directory


I develop on Windows (yeah, I hear your jeers, linux users!), so to use Git, I use Git for Windows

However, I use Git For Windows (portable version) so I can keep my dev environment centrally located. This is so I can reuse this environment simply by copying my msysgit directory to a USB drive.


jpallari /
Last active August 13, 2024 07:26
Writing tech articles

Writing tech articles

This is a description of how I write tech articles for various blogs. Hopefully someone else will find this useful as well.

Create a Gist for the article

When I begin writing a new article, I create a new [GitHub Gist][gist] for the article files. The Gist contains a file for the article text and code examples related to the article.

jasonrdsouza /
Last active September 10, 2024 19:55
Export archived article data from Pocket
'''This script can be used to export data from Pocket (
Uses include migrating to a different "read it later" service, saving
specific articles to another service, backing up your reading history,
and more.
Currently it can be used to export links and metadata for archived
articles with a given tag, which are more recent than a given timestamp.
An example use case is to export all articles you have tagged as
"to-export", which are newer than 10 days old. The timestamp functionality
anonymous / scrapfy-Bgd4fnGNF3aUqq7.html
Created May 12, 2016 20:56
Another Scrap from
<div class="sg-content">
<div class="sg-content-hook-1"></div>
<div class="sg-error-message"><div class="sg-error-top"></div>There was an error on your page. Please correct any required fields and submit again. <a href="javascript:void(0);" id="error-scroll-trigger">Go to the first error</a><div class="sg-error-bottom"></div></div>
<div class="sg-page-title">After Using Tab Center</div>
<div class="sg-page-description">Now that you've had a chance to use Tab Center, we are interested in hearing whether you believe it has affected your attitudes or behavior. Please answer the following questions.<br><br>
// slack2html
// by @levelsio