To generate a nicely-formatted GitHub issue (even for GitHub Enterprise accounts) from a Google Form submission, you can use Google's script editor along with a GitHub personal access token that connects to the API. This is particularly useful when you need to triage bugs or feature requests directly to developers, but those who are submitting issues do not have access to your GitHub Enterprise instance.
Once this is up and running, on the development end, you can do some cool things within the body of each issue, like automatically closing GitHub issues via your commit messages and CCing your dev group or individual team members for each issue.
Here's how to set it up.
- Go to Google Drive and create a form with fields
- Click the Responses tab
- Click the green spreadsheet icon
- Create a new spreadsheet
The spreadsheet will open in a new tab or window.
- Go to Tools > Script Editor
- Remove everything in the default file
- Paste the following in the file:
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var title = e.values[9];
var type = e.values[6].toLowerCase(); // for example: Bug, Enhancement, Question
var priority = "priority-" + e.values[7];
var body = "# Details \n" + e.values[3] + "\n\n" +
"| Submitted by | Priority | URL | Screenshot | Viewport(s) | Device(s)/Browser(s) |\n" +
"|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" +
"| " +e.values[8] + " | " + e.values[7] + " | " + e.values[1] + " | " + e.values[2] + " | " + e.values[4] + " | " + e.values[5] + " |\n\n";
var payload = {
"title": title,
"body": body,
"labels": [
var options = {
"method": "POST",
"contentType": "application/json",
"payload": JSON.stringify(payload)
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://YOUR_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_DOMAIN/api/v3/repos/YOUR_REPO_PATH/issues?access_token="+ghToken, options)
The body variable creates a table within each issue. See GitHub help for more info about formatting tables.
In our example, e.values is a zero-based array, where each index maps to a spreadsheet column's value (for example, the issue's title is column J in our spreadsheet, which corresponds to e.values[9]).
- Remap the above script to work with your spreadsheet's columns and e.values index numbers. Delete anything in payload or body you don't need (title is the only required value for creating an issue). See the GitHub docs for more values you can associate with newly-created issues.
- Go to GitHub Enterprise, click on your user icon in the header, and click Settings. Click Personal access tokens. Click Generate new token. Enter a description and uncheck everything but repo. Click Generate token. Click the Copy Token icon to the right of your new personal access token. (Note: Treat this personal access token like a password — don't share it with anyone!)
- In the ghToken variable of the Google Script, replace YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN with your copied GitHub Enterprise personal access token.
- In the response variable of the Google Script:
- Replace YOUR_GITHUB_ENTERPRISE_DOMAIN with your GitHub Enterprise domain (e.g.
- Replace YOUR_REPO_PATH with your repository's path (e.g. Awesome/awesome_assets)
- Save your Google Script
Now that the API connection is sorted out, we need to add a trigger to our Google Form so that, each time the form is submitted, there's a call to the GitHub API and an issue is created.
- Within the Script Editor, click Resources > Current project's triggers
- Click the link to add a new trigger
- Use the following dropdown values:
- Run: onFormSubmit
- Events: From spreadsheet
- On form submit
- Save and/or authenticate as necessary
That's all! Test away.
How is this handling the fact that Github is deprecating the use of URL query strings for passing access tokens> I see you are still passing your token in your URL. Did I miss something in this update or is this still passing the token in the URL?