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Aaron Quinlan arq5x

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arq5x / ggplot2.tcga_and_1kg_cpv.R
Created January 7, 2011 14:19
Example of using qplot for a bar plot colored by sample or populations
cov <- read.table("/Users/arq5x/Documents/Projects/HallLab/TCGA-1KG/ForKeystone/tcga_and_1kg_span_cov.txt",header=TRUE)
span <- qplot(sample, span_cov, data=cov, fill=factor(type_num), geom="bar",
ylab="Spanning coverage") +
opts(axis.ticks = theme_blank(),
axis.text.x = theme_blank(),
axis.title.x = theme_text(size = 18, face = "bold"),
arq5x /
Created February 7, 2011 18:20
RS Exome analysis on the PBS environment
export BATCH1="1094PC0005 1094PC0009 1094PC0012 1094PC0013 "
export BATCH2="1094PC0016 1094PC0017 1094PC0018 1094PC0019 \
1094PC0020 1094PC0021 1094PC0022 1094PC0023 1094PC0025 "
export BATCH3="1478PC0001B 1478PC0002 1478PC0003 1478PC0004 \
1478PC0005 1478PC0006B 1478PC0007B 1478PC0008B \
1478PC0009B 1478PC0010 1478PC0011 1478PC0012 \
1478PC0013B 1478PC0014B 1478PC0015B 1478PC0016 \
1478PC0017B 1478PC0018 1478PC0019 1478PC0020 \
1478PC0021 1478PC0022B 1478PC0023B 1478PC0024B"
export BATCH4="1719PC0001 1719PC0002 1719PC0003 1719PC0004 \
arq5x /
Last active September 24, 2015 22:47
T1D Loci Exome for all 7 pools on the PBS environment
# Pair the alignments.
# Keep proper, on-target (i.e. +/- 500 bp of a probe) pairs.
# Require mapping quality >= 20
export DIR=/home/arq5x/cphg-home/projects/t1d/t1d-exome-suna/
export STEPNAME=t1d-ex-bwa-par
export GENOME=/home/arq5x/cphg-home/shared/genomes/hg19/bwa/gatk/hg19_gatk.fa
arq5x /
Created March 7, 2011 23:19
Make a BED file from the raw UCSC file
export GENOME=hg19
export SNPBUILD=131
curl -s$GENOME/database/snp$SNPBUILD.txt.gz | \
zcat | \
cut -f 2,3,4,5,6,7,10,16 > dbsnp.$SNPBUILD.$GENOME.bed
head dbsnp.$SNPBUILD.$GENOME.bed
chr1 10433 10433 rs56289060 0 + -/C near-gene-5
chr1 10491 10492 rs55998931 0 + C/T near-gene-5
chr1 10518 10519 rs62636508 0 + C/G near-gene-5
# Step 1: Get transcripts from UCSC refGene (hg19) into a BED file.
# Notes:
# the awk statement reorders the "raw" columns into BED12 format
# bed12ToBed6 converts the BED12 into discrete BED6 entries for each exon
# - the -n option is new and in the bedtools repository
$ curl -s | \
zcat | \
awk '{OFS="\t"; print $3,$5,$6,$2,$9,$4,$7,$8,"0",$9,$10,$11}' | \
bed12ToBed6 -n \
> refGene.bed
arq5x /
Created March 17, 2011 14:27
Grab random subset of FASTQ pairs
# Staring FASTQ files
export FQ1=1.fq
export FQ2=2.fq
# The names of the random subsets
export FQ1SUBSET=1.rand.fq
export FQ2SUBSET=2.rand.fq
# How many random pairs do we want?
export N=100
arq5x /
Created March 20, 2011 15:47
Use filo's "groupBy" to create cDNA of transcripts.
# Assume we have a file of BED exons for every gene and transcript.
# The exons are listed in genomic order for each gene/transcipt
$ head -n 5 exons.bed
chr1 1337462 1337636 MRPL20 exon1 -
chr1 1340996 1341266 MRPL20 exon2 -
chr1 1341188 1341266 MRPL20 exon3 -
chr1 1342288 1342399 MRPL20 exon4 -
chr1 1342510 1342597 MRPL20 exon5 -
arq5x / multi_bam_cov.cpp
Created May 1, 2011 15:34
snippet from multi_bam_cov
void MultiCovBam::CollectCoverage()
BamMultiReader reader;
if ( !reader.Open(_bam_files) )
cerr << "Could not open input BAM files." << endl; return;
arq5x /
Created June 16, 2011 18:39
Navin Main Processing
# Index the position-sorted BAM files.
export SAMPLES="T10AA T10AB T10D T10H"
export TUMHOME=/home/arq5x/cphg-home/projects/navin-tumor-heterogeneity/
export STEPNAME="bam-index"
for sample in `echo $SAMPLES`
export QSUB="qsub -q cphg -W group_list=CPHG -V -l select=1:mem=2000m:ncpus=1 -N $STEPNAME -m bea -M [email protected]"
echo "cd $TUMHOME; samtools index bam/$sample.*.bam" | $QSUB
arq5x / basic-data-analysis.R
Created July 13, 2011 02:20
R tips and tricks
# 1. Counting the discrete occurrences
# of a value in each column of a
# matrix. Store the count for each
# column in a new vector whose size
# is the number of columns in the
# matrix.
# make a 3x3 matrix with columns
# having 0, 1, and 2 zeros