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Audrey Andoy audreyandoy

  • Ada Developers Academy
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audreyandoy / gist:cc026ae9072e59d1993bea9bf98a9d36
Created December 15, 2022 19:02
Nashwa's Capstone Concept #1
# Capstone Concept Template Document
Copy and paste this document into a [gist]( and then edit it to create your capstone concept document. This document is an example with the minimum content required for your capstone concept deliverable. You are free to add further content to help you arrive at your capstone.
# Capstone Concept - Nashwa
## Team members (Leave blank for none)
- Nashwa, Silvia
## Problem Statement #1
audreyandoy /
Created August 7, 2021 02:22
C16 Syllabus

Ada Developers Academy Cohort Syllabus


Ada Developers Academy teaches full-stack web development, allowing students to choose what specialty of software development they want to pursue in their post-Ada careers. We cover HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Python, Flask and computer science fundamentals. Our complete curriculum is online and open-source.

We focus on teaching skills that are readily transferable from one technology stack to another, making Ada students adaptable and flexible candidates for all types of developer positions. Students have been successfully placed in internships and jobs working in Python, Java, JavaScript, C++, C#, Objective-C and Ruby, among other languages and frameworks.

Major topics of study include:

audreyandoy / AudreyAndoyResume
Last active September 15, 2017 03:32
Audrey Andoy LEAP resume
# Audrey Andoy
email:[email protected]
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linkedin: [audreyandoy](