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Last active September 15, 2017 03:32
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Audrey Andoy LEAP resume
# Audrey Andoy
email:[email protected]
portfolio: [](
linkedin: [audreyandoy](
Technical Summary
**Languages**: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, SQL
**Frameworks**: Angular, Bootstrap, Express, Node, Rails, SASS
**Libraries**: Bcrypt, Charts, D3, Fullpage, jQuery, Passport, Typed
**Databases**: Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sequelize
**Other**: AJAX, Git, Gulp, Heroku, HTTP, RESTful Web Services, Squarespace, and Wordpress
**Web Development Immersive Program**, General Assembly
Jan 2016 - Apr 2016
**BA, Business Administration - Management Info. Systems**, Western Washington Unviersity Sep 2010 - Jun 2015
- Minors: Accounting, International Business
**Implementation Consultant, Tyler Technologies**, Jul 2015 - Jan 2016:
- Completed intensive training of governmental financial software in under 3 months.
- Trained end users across the Western US including CA, UT, TX, AZ.
- Responsible for extensive weekly travel and filed reports on client’s progress in the
implementation process.
**Webmaster, Alpha Kappa Psi Omega Beta**, Dec 2014 - June 2015:
- Developed the chapter's first sustainable Squarespace website for future use and public communication.
- Customized the website through HTML/CSS, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.
- Coordinated with marketing committee head to fulfill requirements and expectations.
**Customer Experience Intern, Amazon**, Oct 2014 - Dec 2014:
- Addressed all pre-order, transactional, and website questions in a courteous and timely manner.
- Provided assistance via remote desktop server email, phone, and chat services.
- Increased customer knowledge on Amazon policies when answering questions, troubleshooting issues,
and resolving complaints.
**Guest Speaker, Code-Ed**, Feb 2017:
>Instructed a coding workshop for WWU's Alpha Kappa Psi Chapter, Omega Beta.
>Assisted 11 attendees through designing, developing, and deploying their
>first Node.js web application using Express, CSS, Github, and Heroku.
**Node.js Developer, Alexa + Echo Hackathon**, Sep 2016:
>Won first place with a team in creating NagARam, an anagram skill for Alexa.
>NagaRam was created the same day of attending General Assembly's Alexa + Echo workshop,
>in under 6 hours, using Node.js and Anagramica API.
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