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Created July 19, 2012 20:42
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auto-opper written in node
console.log("Bot Started...");
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { console.log('OMG something went really wrong: ' + err); });
var irc = require('irc');
//npm install irc
var MYBOT = {};
MYBOT.channelname = "#node.js";
MYBOT.nick = "ryan_opper";
var client = new irc.Client('', MYBOT.nick, {///6697
channels: [MYBOT.channelname]
//,debug: true
var regex = /^ops?\s*pl(ease|z|x)/i;
//var result = message.match(regex);
//Handle on message in target channel event
client.addListener("message" + MYBOT.channelname, function (nick,text) {
//if(text=="op plz"){
client.send('MODE', MYBOT.channelname, '+o', nick);
//Will auto-op on enterance.
client.addListener('join'+ MYBOT.channelname, function (nick,text) {
client.send('MODE', MYBOT.channelname, '+o', nick);
//untested: op upon de-op. Unless they did it themselves.
/*client.addListener('-mode', function (channel, by, mode, argument, message) {
if(mode=='o' && by!=argument){
client.send('MODE', MYBOT.channelname, '+o', argument);
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