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Last active March 20, 2016 15:09
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Save bas080/169c2fe7ad2d1b69a1ac to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
var _ = require('ramda');
_.exists = exists;
_.args = args;
_.ap = ap;
_.Either = Either;
_.Either.either = _.curry(either);
_.Identity = Identity;
_.Left = Left;
_.Maybe = Maybe;
_.Maybe.maybe = _.curry(maybe);
_.Right = Right;
_.Task = Task;
// Playground //
// application :: Number -> Either(String, Number)
function application(id){
return _.Either(function(Left, Right){
if (_.exists(id))
return Right(id);
return Left('request failed');
// user :: Number -> Task Number Error
function user(index){
return _.Task(function(rej, res){
index ?
res(index) : rej(Error('notValidUser'));
}, Math.random() * 2000);
// simulates the behaviour of a standard Promise
function APromise(value){
return {
then: then,
function then(fun) {
return APromise(value);
var promise = Promise(APromise(222));
), [promise]);
// afschrijven :: {k: v} -> Number b -> {k: v}
function afschrijven(user, amount){
user.balans = user.balans - amount;
return user;
// safePath :: [k] -> {k: v} -> Maybe v | Undefined
var safeProp = _.curryN(2, _.compose(_.Maybe, _.path));, safeProp([0,0], [['there'],2])); //console.log is not called, safeProp([0,0,'not_there'], [[1],2])); //console.log is not called
// safeGet :: Object a -> Maybe b
var safeName = safeProp(['name']);
var person = {
name: 'James'
var greet = _.concat('Hello ');
), [user('Bas')]);
_.Either.either(_.identity, _.add(20), application(234))
_.ap(log(_.multiply), [user(20), _.Maybe(20)]);
_.join(' '),
), [Identity('Hello'), user('world')])
// Applicative //
* An ap (applicative) function that also manages function currying. This allows
* functions to be called using functors
* @param {Function} fun called when all functors have "resolved"
* @param {Array} functors the functors to be called
* @returns {*} the value
* FIXME: what to return?
function ap(func, functors) {
// used to check if all arguments are passed to the curried function
var returns = [];
var resolved = 0; // used to check if all functors have resolved/called
var expected = functors.length;
function call(functor, index){, functor);
function curried(val){
resolved += 1;
returns[index] = val;
if (resolved === expected)
func.apply(null, returns);
// Task //
function Task(resolver){
return {
constructor: Task,
map: function map(fn){
return Task(resolver(_.identity, fn));
Task.of = function of(value){
return Task(function(rej, res){
// Identity //
function Identity(value){
return {
constructor: Identity,
value: _.always(value),
map: function map(fn){
return Identity(fn(value));
Identity.of = function(value){
return Identity(value);
// Maybe //
function Maybe(value){
var self = {
constructor: Maybe,
value: _.always(value),
}; = function map(fn){
return Maybe(Maybe.maybe(fn, self));
return self;
function maybe(fn, maybe){
var value = maybe.value();
return _.exists(value) ?
fn(value) : value;
Maybe.of = function of(value){
return Maybe(value);
// Promise //
_.Promise = Promise;
function Promise(promise){
return {
constructor: Promise,
map: function map(fn){
return Promise(promise);
Promise.of = function(value){
return promise.then = _.always(value);
// Either //
function Either(either){
return either(Left, Right);
function either(l, r, e){
switch (e.constructor) {
case Left:
return l(e.value());
case Right:
return r(e.value());
// Left //
function Left(value){
return {
constructor: Left,
map: function(){
return Left(value);
value: _.always(value),
Left.of = Left;
// Right //
function Right(value){
return {
constructor: Right,
map: function(fn){
return Right(fn(value));
value: _.always(value),
Right.of = Right;
// Functions //
// log :: (a -> b) -> (* -> (a -> b)) -> b
function log(f){
return function(v){
var result = f.apply(null, arguments);
return result;
// exists :: a -> Boolean
function exists(value){
return (value != null);
// args :: *... -> [*]
function args(){
return _.values(arguments);
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