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Bastien Gysler basgys

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meodai / breakpoints.json
Last active December 17, 2019 11:04
Design System
"dialog-breakpoints": {
"desktop": "'min-width: 701px'",
"mobile": "'max-width: 700px'"
josevalim /
Created September 13, 2012 21:52
Sinatra like routes in Rails controllers

Sinatra like routes in Rails controllers

A proof of concept of having Sinatra like routes inside your controllers.

How to use

Since the router is gone, feel free to remove config/routes.rb. Then add the file below to lib/action_controller/inline_routes.rb inside your app.

masak /
Last active February 10, 2025 17:29
How is git commit sha1 formed

Ok, I geeked out, and this is probably more information than you need. But it completely answers the question. Sorry. ☺

Locally, I'm at this commit:

$ git show
commit d6cd1e2bd19e03a81132a23b2025920577f84e37
Author: jnthn <[email protected]>
Date:   Sun Apr 15 16:35:03 2012 +0200

When I added FIRST/NEXT/LAST, it was idiomatic but not quite so fast. This makes it faster. Another little bit of masak++'s program.

class PostsController < ActionController::Base
def create
def update
jcasimir / exporter.rb
Created February 26, 2012 17:39
Export ActiveRecord Tables to CSV
require 'csv'
class Exporter
DEFAULT_EXPORT_TABLES = [ Invoice, InvoiceItem, Item, Merchant, Transaction, User ]
def self.export_tables_to_csv(tables = DEFAULT_EXPORT_TABLES)
tables.each { |klass| export_table_to_csv(klass) }