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Brad Smith bbbradsmith

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bbbradsmith /
Last active December 2, 2024 06:36
Removes iTunes fingerprinting and metadata from M4A files
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# iTunes M4A Strip
# Brad Smith, 2024
# This program will search for all M4A files under the current directory,
# remove all unnecessary metadata, keeping only the AAC music data,
# then restoring only the desired tags from the original metadata.
bbbradsmith /
Last active August 1, 2024 01:48
Serrator - Adventure game progressive drawing simulator
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# serrator
# Explanation:
# Inspired by the way the background images in Sierra games drew in progressively.
# Usually too fast to really see, but on a very slow computer, or artificially slowed,
# the draw-in process was quite fascinating to watch:
bbbradsmith / Sakanakao Twitch
Last active March 4, 2025 22:58
Sakanakao's twitch stream history

Games streamed on Twitch by Sakanakao

2 player streaming partners:

This list is probably a little bit incomplete. It is presented in reverse chronological order. Not all streams have been preserved, and a few are partial or just clips. Other short clips of my streams may be found at my channel's clips page.

bbbradsmith /
Last active July 23, 2024 05:14
SimCity SNES decompressor
# This is a decompressor for data in the Sim City (Japan) ROM for Super Famicom
# This extracts the complete character set from the game, used for the popup dialogs,
# and also all of the text used in these dialogs.
# The five SNES versions in various languages can also be dumped by this script, see below.
# The decompressor is for a Nintendo compression format that was apparently used in several games,
# and has been known by some as LC_LZ5. It might be useful for other games besides SimCity.
import PIL.Image
bbbradsmith /
Last active October 16, 2023 20:59
Approximating smooth motion in discrete steps
# Problem:
# Making an NES game, want smooth motion but don't want to store sub-pixel precision.
# Solution:
# Approximate smooth motion in discrete steps.
# Investigate a few methods, and compare them by smoothness.
# Use standard deviation as a measure of smoothness.
# (Lower deviation total is better.)
# Result:
bbbradsmith /
Created September 29, 2023 03:57
Unpacks PAK files from the game Abyss Boat by Leaf
# dumps PAK files from the game Abyss Boat by Leaf
import os
import struct
def printable(d):
s = ""
for c in d: s += chr(c) if (c >= 0x20 and c <= 126) else '.'
return s
bbbradsmith /
Last active January 7, 2025 10:22
Generates movie thumbnail images automatically
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Automatic Movie Thumbnail Generator
# Scans a folder, and generates a thumbnail image for every movie found.
# Uses a grid layout that attempts to maximize utilized space while
# fitting under a given maximum image size, and having at least as many
# frames as requested.
bbbradsmith / bat.yml
Last active March 25, 2024 14:38
Github Actions example workflow for building a batch file
# Action name and trigger conditions.
# workflow_dispatch means: this can be manually re-triggered, and not just by push/pr.
name: Batch File Continuous Integration
branches: [ "main" ]
branches: [ "main" ]
bbbradsmith /
Last active July 19, 2023 04:20
Milva DOS image dumper (Desafio, Kick Boxing Street) and re-compressor
# Dumps image data from Milva DOS game,
# as well as Desafio and Kick Boxing Street
# from Ediciones Manali.
# (Desafio)
# (Kick Boxing)
# If you successfully use this for their other games,
# send me the dump list and I can add it.
bbbradsmith /
Last active June 10, 2023 18:46
Plex subtitle file fixer and cleanup
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This scrips attempts to find suitable subtitles in video collections,
# and will copy the best candidate into the same folder as the video,
# with the same filename as the video with the subtitle's extension.
# If a video already has a subtitle file in this place, it will not overwrite it.
# I can also delete directories and files as automatic cleanup.